Birthing video

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*Rachel is seven months pregnant
Rachel POV
After Finn and I found out the gender we told Noah, Santana, and sam. Were so excited. Finns super stoked too, he even started working on her nursery. I told him it was a girl so he owes me a night of my choosing to do whatever I want. Unfortunately I had to take my maternity leave already, which makes me sad. But before I left Suzanne recommended a video for me to watch with Finn so we'll know what it's like. I'm making popcorn so Finn and I can watch it tonight.
Finn POV
It's been a month since Rachel proved me wrong and we found out were having a girl. To be honest, I really don't mind. I'm just happy Rachel and I are having a kid. I even started working on her nursery. I want to surprise Rachel so she can't see it yet. I'm coming home early because Rachel took maternity leave already, which means she's lonely. Plus she told me her friend recommended some pregnancy video.
::Finn comes home::

"Hey babe, I'm home" I call out

Rachel walks in, looking gorgeous as ever, and kisses my cheek

"Really, just the cheek?" I ask pointing to where she barley showed me her love

"I'm sorry" she replied

She pulled me to her level and started making out with me right there in the front door. I was enjoying the kiss until she pulled away. She had a look of amazement on her face

"Aww, why'd you stop?" I ask pouting

She doesn't say anything and all she does is put my hand on her belly, then I feel it, I feel her kick for the first time. I just gasp and smile big.

"She's kicking" I say

Rachel just nods, I look at her and I kiss her. The baby starts kicking again

"I'm guessing she likes you kissing me" Rachel smirked putting her delicate arms around my neck

"I guess she does" I smirk back and continue kissing her
Rachel POV
After Finn and I practically made out in front of the door. I ran to the living room and put the movie on while snuggling with Finn. At first it was like super boring, then they got to the part where they explain how the mother births. I got comfortable so I could pay attention, and horror.......It looked so painful and scary. I looked at Finn who had the same look as me. I just turned off the tv, because that looked terrible.

"What kind of movie is this?" Finn asked
"I don't know, but that was horrible!" I say
"Where did your friend find this?" Finn asked with his arm around me
"I don't know, but I think the baby should just stay in here" I say pointing to my big belly, Finn kisses the side of my head
"I'm pretty sure that can't happen" Finn said
"Hey let me imagine for now that I don't have to do that" I say gripping my tummy
"Well how bout we stop imagining what it's like to sleep in our comfy bed, and just do it" Finn said picking me up bridal style
"How?" I ask while he carries me
"How what?" He asked with his cute confused face
"How do you manage to carry me, a giant girl carrying a baby the size of a watermelon"?" I ask putting my hand on his chest
"Aren't you happy you married a strong dude" Finn smirks at me
"I am, very much" I reply pecking his lips while he put me down on the bed
"I love you, my strong husband" I say smiling
"And I love you, my beautiful wife who's carrying my baby" Finn said leaning on the bed to face me,

I just smiled because he tried complimenting me, when he knows I look like a cow, it's his effort that counts, in which makes me love him more every day. Finn Hudson truly is the one for me. I can't wait till I have this baby with him, even if that video was possibly worse than watching sinister alone in the dark.

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