Till next time

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Rachel POV
I have to travel to Paris, for this job, which isn't that bad. Right now I'm sitting in a cafe called le' Bette (i don't even know) I'm wearing giant sunglasses and a big black sunhat with my hair down. I plan on wearing my outfit that always distract my targets, so he'll be too distracted to fight properly. See that's the thing about boys, they want things they can't have, they want it soo much , sometimes that's exactly what kills them. As I'm sitting in this chair sipping coffee, I'm reading this guys background story. He grew up in the assassin business, went on his first mission at the age of thirteen, his specialty is killing in one swift quick move, which earned him his name quick, he is also extremely fast, he has killed over a thousand people, so far, impressive. Not as much as mine probably is.

Finn POV
I'm forced to sit at a ridiculous cafe called le' Bette. Like what the hell? Of all the places this is what she chooses. Some assassin she is. I'm sitting a couple tables from her and her big black hat. I don't think she's trying to hide herself, but than again she knows I can't kill her in public. I'm reading her story since I can clearly see she's reading mine. The only information is the earliest of age eight when she went on her first mission killing a gang of predators, using a samurai sword dipped in poison, earning her name poison, she usually kills groups of bad people, like gangs and mobsters. She has history of acrobatic abilities and high gymnastic rankings, meaning she's swift fast and flexible. She also has a habit of mouthing off, at least that's what it says here, there's absolutely no information on how she started off in this business and no information of her family. But it does say she's killed over a million people. Damn she's good, but not as good as me. She's on the move

Rachel POV
I know he's following me, he's so obvious. I plan on losing him in a flea market nearby, I'm going to ditch the hat and sunglasses putting my hair in a ponytail. While he stays behind trying to find me I'll head back to my hotel room were ill just be waiting with my guns, knives and sword.

Finn POV
I'm following her and she's headed toward the flea market.......i have her.......and I lost her, damn it!
Rachel POV
This guy is supposedly quick, so here I am in my tank top and shorts waiting for him to show up. It's been an hour since I sent him on the wild goose chase. I'm about to put my utility belt away when I hear
*knock knock
"Room service" he yelled, just in time
"Come in" I say ready to pull of my gun, I checked to see if he was my guy and, bingo
"Hi" I say as I point my gun toward his head
"I see you recognized me" he turned around smirking
"Yeahhhh, you're going to die now" I said in a matter-of-fact tone
"See I wouldn't be to sure about that" he said while he grabbed my hand and stole the gun
"Well played Hudson" I replied smiling while I kicked him in the chest and grabbed the gun back running to hide by the bed and I shot at him
"You're fast" he said running by the wall where it was big enough to hide and pulling out his guns
"Yeah I get that a lot" I yelled firing at him while he shot, the first bullet was way off but the second nicked my ear
"I bet you do" he yelled while shooting back
"So, we're sent to kill each other, because we're the best, how does that make you feel mr.hudson" I yelled while reloading my gun, it was quiet, too quiet he popped up in front of me and I kicked the gun out of his hand, I was about to punch him when he grabbed my hand and smirked
"Like I can do anything" He smiled then I said
"Great, well you might not be able to after I'm finished with you" I said then I kicked him in the nuts all while I was returning his smile, I was about to walk away to get my sword when he pulled me under him
"I don't like hitting girls, but I can make an exception with you" he was about to punch me when I went right for his nose first
"funny, I was about to say the same thing" I said while reaching for my sword but it wasn't there, damn
"Looking for this" he said while getting up and holding his nose, he had my sword
"You shouldn't play with things that aren't yours Mr.Hudson" I said

while I ran toward the lamp to hit him in the head with it. Since he was close by a plant he threw it at me, but I dodged it. I still had my knives and the lamp, so I got the lamp and ran toward him as if it were a sword. We were sword fighting, he was using mine while I used the metal lamp.
"You're good" he said
"I know" I replied
Then he started using my sword to rip my clothes. He ripped my tank top and my shorts, leaving me to fight in my underwear and bra. So I dropped the lamp and slapped him while he stopped to admire my body. Then I stepped on his foot causing him to wince, I took my sword and was about to chop off his head when he grabbed me causing me to drop it and he was like hugging me but tight
"You know if I wasn't sent to kill you I'd kiss you right now"
"Ohh, well isn't that sweet, too bad I'm way out of your league" I said

while elbowing him in the ribs and jumping for my gun, I shot at his heart but he moved too fast and I ended up hitting his arm. It clearly didn't effect him, because he ran toward me causing me to fall on the glass coffee table. I closed my eyes and I could hear him pulling out his prized knife so I opened my eyes and kicked it out of his hands.
"You know you sure kick a lot" he said chuckling
"Yeah and you sure suck" I said while getting up and doing this the old fashioned way putting my fists up
"You know I don't really like getting in fist fights with girls but if I have to I will, even if she is beautiful" he said looking straight in my eyes
"What is that suppose to impress me, so I won't kick your ass" I said while turning around in circles still looking at him and his weak spot, the arm I shot at
"Nah, you really are beautiful and I can't screw you, because you're the enemy and that's against the rules plus you in that bra isn't helping" he said eying me
"Well haven't you ever broken the rules you goody two shoesf" I said while I punched him in the face
"Of course I have, just not that one" he yelled punching me right back
"Well you may be cute, but there's no way you'll ever need to break that rule with me" I said while punching him in the stomach
"Soo...you think I'm cute" he said smiling with those adorab.....no no Rachel you can't fall for him, no he's the enemy, plus you've only known him for a day and that was to learn how to kill him, change the subject this could affect your fighting
"So, have you always wanted to kill people for a living or?" I said while punching him in the arm where I shot him, he yelled in pain and while he fell to the ground he kicked me in the leg where I of course had a bullet hole, making me fall. we just layed there unable to move, I can already tell he wants me so I stroke his face, looking into his eyes and I punch him, knocking him out, I got up struggling and took all my stuff, including my sword and I left a note on his arm saying till next time- Rachel

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