Chapter 1

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The entire crew and I were cheering on Marco as he skulled a giant tub of sake.


We all cheered once he was done.

I couldn't help but grin as my crewmates and we all drank together. Oh how I loved these guys, they were like- no scratch that, they are my family.

"Hey do you think that guy's a good drinker?" asked Macco as he pointed to Ace.

Ace. He was the new member well plus his crew members and to be honest, I was interested in him. He wanted to take Whitebeards head which I would never let happen considering Whitebeard is my captain but after we took him on board, he still tried to kill him which I found just so friken funny considering he failed miserably every time.

"I'ma go offer him a drink!" I said with a huge grin, and a slightly red tinted face considering I had drunk a little bit...

"Hey, you!" I said with a grin as I sat down next to Ace, handing him a drink. "Lighten up! This is like big party time! Celebrate with us!" I clinked our cups and took a huge gulp of my drink.

"You guys.." he started which caused me to stop drinking and take look at him.


"Why do you call him your father anyway?" he asked me, his eyes locking with mine, they were full of confusion and curiosity.

I couldn't help but let a smile cross my lips.

"Cause. He calls us his sons and daughters." I said and his eyes widened but I carried on. "To the rest of the world, we're just outcasts. It makes us happy. It's just a word but it makes us happy!"

He stared at me, almost as if realisation was hitting him before biting his lip and looking down.

"Oii. How long are you going to keep risking your life like this?" I asked as I put my drink down and gently placing my hand under his chin, lifting it up so we'd lock eyes. "You can't take Whitebeards head the way you are now. So make a decision. Are you going to get off this ship and start over? Or are you going to stay here... and accept Whitebeards mark?"

---end of flashback---

I closed my eyes, letting a tear slip as I remembered that day. It was just so clear in my mind, that look on his face, the way he spoke, the way his eyes look so lost.. so confused.. longing almost.

I let out a soft sigh as I looked further at the seas ahead.

That was how Ace and I became friends. He and I always had drinking contests after that, it would end up being one win and one loss. That's how it worked out every time we drank.

But other than that, Ace and I became a duo, you see, I ate the Aoi Honoo devil fruit, I have the power of the Blue Flames.

Yeah it's friken awesome right!? Blue Flames are stronger and hotter than normal flames and together, we were unstoppable.

Some knew us as the 'Flame Duo' while others knew us as the 'Blue and Red.' which I thought was pretty awesome too.

But now, hearing those names just hurt me. They struck my heart and only brought back memories.

Although the memories were always good ones, it never changed the fact that it hurt so much he's gone. Gone to to kill Teach. Ever since Teach killed Thatch.

Red And Blue Flames (one piece fanfic) [Portgas D. Ace love story]Where stories live. Discover now