Chapter 10

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Ella's POV:

It took me about 1 week to find out that I wasn't pregnant. I can't even tell you how happy I am about this. Its not that I don't wanna have a baby with Harry, its just that, i'm only 19, i'm not ready for a baby. I never told Harry about the baby incident. He was already stressed, i didn't want to put more stress on him. The good news, was that Harry had asked me to be his girlfriend a few days ago. I said yes without any further questions. That was last week tho? We've been dating for 2 weeks so far, its only been 2 weeks and I'm already having problems.

There's something weird about Harry lately. He's been very distant and everyday at 2:30 the same person calls him. He wouldn't be in a gang would he? He promised me he had stopped? I was over thinking this. Harry was amazing. I had nothing to worry about.


                                                     3 months Later: Sorry for the time skip

Ella's POV:

You know when I said that Harry was wonderful, yeeh, i take it back. He's been nothing but cruel since i caught him talking to someone on the phone the other day. He was talking to a former friend that he had been in a gang with. They were talking about keeping up with a plan and killing someone in the end. I heard my name being mentioned, but Harry wouldn't kill me. He hasn't killed in 6 months right? Why would he lie to me?

At 6:30 i had prepared dinner for the both of us. I figured that a nice home cooked meal would make him happy, and maybe i could ask him a few questions without being yelled at.

So, Harry. Listen I know you don't want to talk about this, but what was the conversation about between you and that man on the phone the other day? i interrogated

You shouldn't be listening in on my conversation. That isn't very polite. he whispered yelled.

His eyes looked like the most scariest shade of green. What was up with him? He was acting different. I didn't like it at all.

Harry, what has gotten into you lately? I hissed at him.

You know Ella, your in no position to be asking me questions.

He got up from the table flicking his dinner all over the table and onto me. I had made soup, so you could imagine how painful that would of been. I was used to it though. Its been like this for the past month. Not once had i seen him happy. Not once had he kissed me or said he loved me. He would bring woman home and I couldn't even say anything anymore. I stood there, like it was all some kind of joke. Maybe someone was making him act this way? but who?


Harry's POV:

It was wrong. Everything I was doing was wrong. I've been lieing to her. Ever since i killed that woman in the alley i've been lieing. I stayed in the gang. Never leaving once. I couldn't even believe how long i was able to pull it off, but I knew she was getting curious. I don't even care if she found out about me staying in the gang, i just didn't want her finding out about the murder I was planning on doing. The difference with this murder, was that my next target was Ella.

I knew it was wrong. But i had to do it. This was what I live for. I kill and only kill. I forced myself to be "In Love" with her. I forced myself to choose her that night and i forced myself to kill her. That's how it is. I could never love someone. Humans were bate for me. Unfortunately Ella was my next target.

The man I was talking with was Louis. Yeeh, Louis. He to was part of this plan. We both wanted to kill her and that's what we were going to do. I couldn't kill her yet though. I had to wait a few months. It would be to obvious and believe it or not, i actually wanted to spend a few more months with her before i tear her organs out. I'm a horrible man i know it. I've killed so many people and never regret it once. 

It must of been the way I felt about Ella that made me want to kill her in the most pleasing and displeasing way as possible. I wanted her to lean into me, kiss me for one last time, caress me one last time, and then i'd drive the knife into her stomach and feel the knife cutting as I heard her last slow breaths. It was a drug to me. Killing was something i enjoyed yet hated, since the after math wasn't to pretty.

I had planed this murder since the day I met Ella. Originally i was supposed to kill her the night she caught me with the knife. I don't even know why I had stopped. I had told myself that I only did it because i loved her. But that wasn't true. I was lying to myself. I was lying to her. But this time it wouldn't happen. I was determined to kill this girl.

Louis and I had met up a few times this week to talk about the murder. We had agreed that the killing would be best somewhere unoticable. Somewhere where no one would here her screams. We decided on California. Nobody knew her there, It was perfect. I didn't spend to much time thinking about the location of where i was going to kill her in Cali, all i knew was that it was going to happen. Just 6 more months i told myself. 6 more months and then its all over.

Until then, i would act as though everything is alright, and I would pretend to care for her. Ella was indeed a great girl, but that no longer mattered to me. Louis and I were set out to do something, and it wasn't going to stop us.

I told Ella that the conversation had nothing to do with a gang or a murder. I had to convince her that trusting me was a good thing and that nothing bad would happen to her. I have to admit, once in a while i would get kind of scared of killing Ella and then i wouldn't want to do it, But i couldn't disappoint Louis and I definitely couldn't disappoint the other members in our gang.

Bad Boy Harry Styles  *EDITING A LOT*Where stories live. Discover now