Chapter 8

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~Rachel's P.O.V.~

I wake up to an unpleasant light shining in my eye. The sun seems much brighter than usual, and this headache hurts like a bitch. My temples are pounding and it hurts to sit up. I groan and put my hand up to shut out the light. I need water.
Painfully and slowly I rise from the bed, my head spins and then contracts. I keep my eyes squinted and make my way towards the stairs. I hold on to the railing tightly and very very slowly take it one step at a time. I'll never drink again. Once I get down the stairs I see Thatcher frying something in the kitchen.

"Oh you're up." He says in a hushed voice.

I walk over to the kitchen and close the blinds. I groan as I sit at the bar stool against the kitchen island. Thatcher turns around and plates an omelette, sliding it over to me. He also mixes a packet of Alka-Seltzer morning relief into a glass of orange juice and passes it my way as well.

"Thanks." I say, rubbing my temple as he sits down next to me.

"I'm gonna start my own cooking show." He jokes. "Thatcher's Southern Hangover Remedies, Monday's at 8, prepare yourself."

I laugh at him and then cease, my forehead pounding. He laughs and then stops too, rubbing my shoulder sympathetically.

"I'm never gonna drink again." I tell him, sipping the orange juice.

"Yeah yeah that's what they all say." He says, putting a sugar packet in his coffee. "Trust me, it gets easier with age and experience." He tastes his coffee and then adds some more cream. "And don't expect me to be making omelettes every time you drink, I've got a soft spot for beginners. And plus you gotta be ready for anything when boyfriend gets here."

I shove him with my elbow. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Yet." He teases. "Text me if you want the house to yourself tonight." He smirks. "I'll find somewhere to be."

"Very classy Thatch, kicking me when I'm already down." I tease, feeling a little better thanks to the Alka-Seltzer.

"Alright I'll lay off." He shrugs and sips some more coffee. "But seriously, do you think you'll get back with him?"

"I don't know." I shake my head and instantly realize that that was a mistake. "There's so many things we have to work out. What do you think?"

"Well I think if it can be worked out then that's great." He nods. "But I think he's worth a shot Rach, I mean you've been miserable. I can't imagine what he's been going through."

"I love him Thatch, I really really do. There's no question about it." I tell him finishing off my food. "But he has to change. And I have to change. I'm asking point blank if you think this is a good idea."

"Yeah Hun, I think it's a good idea." He nods, pushing his mug around in a circle. "I just want you to be happy, you're like family to me."

I look at him and I can feel myself getting emotional. It's true, we've grown very close in such a short time. He is like a brother to me, and also my best friend. I can count on him.

"Oh no, quit lookin at me like that." He says, getting up and putting his mug in the sink. "Don't get all mushy on me."

"You know you want a hug." I say, grinning and extending my arms.

Thatcher rolls his eyes as if it's a chore to hug me. He walks over and wraps his arms around me in a very brotherly manner. He gives me a light kiss on the forehead before heading towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" I call after him, wincing and drinking some more juice.

"To pick out something hot for you to wear!" He laughs, disappearing up the steps. "I'm gonna get you laid!"

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