Chapter 28

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Rule is dead. He's gone, and he's not coming back. Rule is dead. My mind races a million miles a minute. I feel Thatcher shaking me, his voice begging me to say something, anything. It's not like I don't want to respond, it's just simply because I can't. Water pours from my eyes but I don't make a sound. Thatcher begs me to speak, crying tears of his own.
How could this happen? How could Rule just die like that? My entire life flashes before my eyes. Rule was the one that was there when Marshall went down in the Decko fight. He stayed with me, even if I didn't appreciate it then I do now. He's always been there for Marshall, he's the sole reason why Marshall isn't a failure. He's his family, his only family, and that makes him my family too.
Thatcher's hugging me now, telling me to talk to him. He's worried, he says, he doesn't know what to do. I think this is the first time Thatcher genuinely has no clue what to do next. And that scares the hell out of me. Eventually, I open my mouth fully intending to put him out of his misery.

"I have to find Marshall." I say, and slip from his grip.

He follows me as I jog to the elevator, and Thatcher clicks the button for the ground floor. My heart races and I swear I can feel my blood rushing in my veins. I'm coming baby. Before the doors are even all the way open, I'm bolting out of there. I head straight for the waiting room, scanning every inch of it for him. I locate him sitting in a chair gripping the arms with white knuckles.
I begin to make my way over to him when he stands up, pushing open the heavy glass door so hard that is slams against the outer wall of the building. I follow him, and once I'm outside I see him rapidly intaking air. I reach him and throw my arms around his neck hugging him tightly. He doesn't hug back but that's okay he doesn't need to, I just want him to know that I love him.

"Marshall." I cry into his chest.

He doesn't say anything, just keeps breathing. His chest violently rises and falls and I can feel him shaking in my hold. I look up and see that he's not even crying. He's got that look on his face though, the look that tells me he's going to have a panic attack with the velocity of fifty panic attacks.

"Marshall." I say again, putting my hand on his cheek. "Look at me baby, please."

He doesn't listen and he closes his eyes and crunches them, the tears are going to start soon. I put my other hand on his other cheek and say his name over and over again until he opens his eyes. Those blue eyes I love so much seem lifeless now, like a part of them has died. Like their light has burnt out, like they have nothing else left to offer.
I can't describe the pain I feel. It's one I've never felt before, and I wish I could make him feel better. I want to help him, I want him to talk to me. I bet the inside of his mind is busier than New York City on New Years Eve. I beg him to talk, pressing my body against his just so I can feel close to him.

"Marshall I love you." I tell him, and he offers no acknowledgement whatsoever. "Do you hear me?"

"Rule's dead." He says under his breath, his voice cracking.

"I know." I tell him, nodding once, holding back my own tears. "But you're gonna get through this okay? We will."

"He just...he died." He says again, his whole body trembling.

"Marshall." I implore, starting to cry again. "Please answer me."

He looks directly at me and I look up at him, my eyes spewing tears down my cheeks. He doesn't say anything and I rest my head on his chest, crying even harder. I have to restrain myself from sobbing even though I'd want nothing more than to do just that.
My heart aches for the both of us, this is going to be so hard on him. I hug him tight, just wishing he'd offer me some type of physical comfort. I need him now more than ever, and I want him to need me too. I look up at him again and see his blank expression.

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