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slow-motion, MORE ASS-KICKING,

and salami

Lokar was back in a corner, dancing, with the others watching him suspiciously. They all knew that he couldn’t be trusted, and although he may seem like an idiot, he was also suspicious of everyone and insane, which made him a horrible villain to face.

Wire was the first to notice the faint line of purple that was beginning to line the walls of the room. The purple line surrounded the base of the room and closed off the entire group, including Lokar. Nobody else had noticed but Wire, he gave Flynn a nudge and pointed out the purple, who then nudged Korwyn, who then nudged Locke who just stared at the purple curiously. Toni had no idea what was going on and was wondering what the three were whispering about. “What are you guys talking about?” Toni asked quietly, inserting her head into the group’s huddle.

Locke shushed Toni and gave a quick glance at Lokar who was still dancing in a corner. The purple was growing higher on the wall and they all knew that Lokar was about to notice.

“WHAT THE –?!” Lokar exclaimed as he noticed the purple only when it covered over half the wall.

“Didn’t I tell you, ten minutes is a long time for someone who exists out of time’s reach.” Wire said plainly as he stood up and touched the wall.

“From her point in the pit, she was able to get her flames to reach up here… She is amazing!” Flynn said in wonder as he looked at the wall, a large grin spread across his face.

“Yes, that newbie is quite good. Not to mention the fact that she was able to come up with this while facing the monsters that Lokar probably put in that pit.” Locke said as he stared at Iris’ handiwork.

“Wow, that girl is awesome!” Korwyn cheered, touching the flame but pulling her hand away when it gave her a shock. “She may have unintentionally put a shock layer over it so it can’t be meddled with.” Korwyn sucked her finger to ease the pain.

“What are you talking about?” Toni asked, confused.

Lokar echoed Toni’s words with a scream, “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!”

Wire rolled his eyes. “Really, you should’ve picked a better person to mess with. Choosing the wild card isn’t very wise in situations like this, because the wild card always ends up winning if they are with the good guys.” Wire explained, using fictional story plots as his common sense.

“I’ve never seen this before! Tell me what it is!” Lokar commanded, his mood swings making Locke irritated.

“I don’t know.” Locke said plainly as he shrugged his shoulders. Though it was the honest answer, Locke knew he could have worded it much better, but saying it the way he did would annoy Lokar to no end. 

“TELL ME! I KNOW THAT YOU KNOW! TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON!” Lokar screamed as the purple flames grew higher on the walls and got nearer to closing. He didn’t like being ignorant, he needed to know everything so that nothing can get in the way of his plans.

Wire rolled his eyes and said easily, “People erased from history exist out of the reach of time. So if time were to suddenly – I don’t know – stop. Those erased would be unaffected.”

Lokar didn’t understand what Wire was saying and his mind was frantic with the overwhelming feeling that something bad was going to happen. When you die and get resurrected, you come with the ability to sense death. The sixth sense was taking up a massive part of his mind and all he could think of was escaping the purple bubble. Lokar was about to begin shouting again when the purple ends met each other on the ceiling and Lokar suddenly froze.

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