Chapter 22

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Lauren and Amy sat in the front yard. An awkward silence was between them. They didn't even know why Christina did this. They were angry like Dani at first, but they knew that Christina wouldn't do this. Same as Dani did.

'Do you have the same feeling as me?' Amy asked without any eye contact.

'Yes... I think so.' Lauren answered.

'I hope I'm not right with my feeling....' Amy said. Now with eye contact.

'Same Amy...' Lauren answered and looked into Amy's eyes. They were already filled with tears. Lauren hugged Amy and stood up. They went, hand in hand, into the house.

Lisa was at the children doctor with Joey, because he got a pneumonia a week ago. He got it a few days before Dani woke up. So she was at a physical examination with him. Well, it was an inconvenient time. Dani's time to come home. It was planed that Dad would go with him, but then, Christina happened. Katherine and the other little boys were in a traffic jam. They were in the grocery store. And Alex? He was sent to family friends to get something for Dad, but he was still not back. Even if the family lived only 3 streets away.

So, Amy and Lauren went upstairs to check Christina. Both had the same feeling, because one time, Christina was that depressed, that she didn't eat, she didn't talk and she didn't sleep.


 Onetime, Christina drove away with the car. After a few hours, her sisters got a weird feeling because she didn't come back. So they started searching for Christina. They found her on the beach. She had bruises. You could tell that she got hurt. Her sisters ran up to her but stopped when Christina started screaming. She didn't even know that her sisters were watching her. Christina went closer to the water and stretched her arms like wings. She was shaking but she went closer and closer. She whispered something. 

"Dani, you don't deserve me as your big sister. You will never get in trouble because of me again.' she whispered and closed her eyes. She didn't want to do this right?! All of her sisters ran into the water, because at this moment, Christina slipped with her foot. Her sisters could save her in the last moment. They helped Christina out of the water and hugged her tightly. After 5 minutes, Lisa had a serious question.

'Were you REALLY going to... kill yourself?' all the others looked at Christina and Lisa.

'Lisa... I... I... One moment I thought of it, but then, I was too afraid to do it.. You know me.. I wanted to go out of the water but then I slipped and now we are here...' Christina sobbed.

'A... And... how did you get your bruises and this cuts?' Lauren asked worriedly.

'I... I... fell...' it sounded more like a question than an answer, so everybody heard she lied.

'No Christina. Tell it. Now.' Katherine asked seriously.

'I... No...I.. When I came down the hill, I cried that much, that I couldn't held anymore, but that's not all... my hands... I've beaten the mirror because I couldn't see myself... There were always those voices and Dani in the mirror... I... I just couldn't...' Christina cried.

So, Christina was on the edge of everything and almost killed herself. And if it would happens again, her sisters couldn't save her. These thoughts were in everyone's mind. So, they decided that they wouldn't let it come to this. Katherine drove the way back home. At home, Dad and Mom already waited worriedly. Lisa just couldn't let this inside of herself, she had to tell it because it was her Mom and her Dad. She told them that Christina broke the mirror, but Mom and Dad weren't angry, they knew Christina and they knew that she was angry and sad because of Dani. They just bought new one and "forgot" about the mirror. But the other thing stayed a secret under the sisters. Unspoken words....

End of Throwback.

So, Lauren and Amy slowly opened the door to Christina's room. Luckily, she was snoring and didn't look body hurt. They thought about that moment when Dani got awake. Christina was really happy and everything got in place for her again. She prayed and prayed. She thanked and thanked.

'Lolo, we have to watch over her.' Amy whispered worriedly while she slowly and carefully touched Christina's hand.

'Yes Ames... And we must take care of her.' Lauren added and put Christina's hair out of the snoring face.

End of the chapter! I know it's a very depressing chapter but now comes the reason why I called the book "The fault gave us wings" :) Stay tuned if you want to know it :) Don't think it's a depressing psycho book, because of self harm and so on. No, it's not psycho, it's just a sister heart. Christina would die for her sister. And I guess you would do the same ❤ tell me your thoughts and don't forget to vote :) Thanks!

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