Chapter 18

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Dani looked up to Lauren.
Dani: "Lau.."
Dani sucked at the ren.
Lauren: "DANI!"
They weren't allowed to hug Dani, or to press her, so Lauren held Dani's hand.
Lauren: "Ohw Dani, finally! I thought... I thought..."
Lauren looked down and had to fight with the tears.
Dani: "Whe you?"
Lauren didn't understand rightly.
Lauren: "What?"
Mom: "I think she wants to know where you went to."
Dani made a move with her hand. She meant Mom was right.
Lauren: "Oh, there was an angel with a broken wing..."
All were starring at Lauren.
Suddenly, Lauren were called by a woman.
Woman: "Are you Lauren??"
Lauren: "Yes, why?"
Woman: "I'm Elaines Mom. I don't know, but she wants you on her site! Please come!"
Lauren looked at Dani.
Dani: "Go!"
Lauren looked at mom.
Mom: "Come on! Quickly!"
Lauren and the woman left the room. Lauren moved on for one time.
Lauren whispered: "Thank you Dani!"
When Lauren entered the station,  where Elaine was on, stopped Lauren. Elaine were still surrounded by doctors.
Elaine: "Lauren!"
Elaine sounded like she had a bad cold. Elaine looked like Dani when she was in the coma.
Lauren: "Elaine, what's going on? Why did you call me?"
Elaine wasn't strong enough to say something. The nice doctor who Lauren already knew smiled at Lauren.
Doctor: "Come on, she's waiting for you. I don't know what you've done, but the little angel is smiling when you're here."
Lauren went to the bed.
Lauren: "Elaine... Dani is awake!"
Elaine showed Lauren something with her fingers. Looked like sign language. Lauren showed Elaine a heart with her fingers.
Elaine's Mom: "Her dad is deaf and sometimes she's only doing sign language. She said she's happy for your sister."
Lauren: "Ohhh! I'm sorry but Thanks."
Elaine did something other with her hands.
Elaine's mom: "She's telling you that she's glad that you didn't stop believing."
Lauren: "What means: I'll never stop believing?"
Elaine showed Lauren.Elaine teached Lauren a bit in sign language.
Elaine's Mom: "Lauren? Why are you here?"
Lauren: "Excuse me Elaine."
Lauren stood up and went to the door, where Elaine's mom stood.
Lauren: "My sisters and I had a car accident. We're 6. Dani, the youngest, fell into a coma. The others, expect Christina the driver, were okay. But finally, Dani is awake."
Elaine's mom: "Ohhh, but I'm glad that your sister is awake! Can you tell me what happened to you and Elaine? Elaine was never that happy before! She finally found... a friend."
Lauren: "We met each other, when I was down because of Dani. I don't know why, but she was like an angel. We understood each other like we already knew since a long time... That's the reason why I'm here I would say. Dani is my sister, but I decided for Elaine. And Dani understands this."
Elaines Mom: "Wow. You need to know, I'm always on work. Her father is never at home. Her life isn't easy at all. Her blood cancer is very dangerous and she has to stay here. No friends... She's alone. I wish I could be here for Elaine... I'm glad she met you..."
She got tears in her eyes. Lauren too. While they were talking, Katherine told Dani what happened. They were laughing about stuff. Typically Dani. It was almost 1am, but Amy turned up the music. The doctor said it's good for Dani to come back to her reality.
Amy: "Baby I know that we got it may not look like much...."
Kath: "But Everything is going to be okay!"
Kath pointed at Dani.
All: "'Cause I got you woaaah!"
They all smiled at Dani. Dani looked really happy.

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