Chapter 17

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Kath and Amy ran through the floor but Kath stopped because Lauren looked helpless and stood at the beginning of the floor. Kath waved.
Kath: "Lauren? Are you okay?"
Lauren looked to Kath and to Elaine. The doctors entered the elevator with Elaine. Lauren looked again to Kath and then to Elaine. She moved her head to Katherine and gave a quietly "No.." from herself. Lauren ran to the elevator. She entered the elevator in the last moment. Katherine wondered but then she ran to Dani's room too.
Kath: "Dani!! Omg I'm so glad that you're awake!"
Amy had tears in her eyes. She wasn't able to speak because of her happiness.
Lynne: "Where is Lauren?"
Kath: "I don't know she ran to another floor to the elevator..."
Lynne looked confused.
Amy: "Where's Christina?"
Dad: "she's still in her room."
Amy: "Can we go to her? I think she deserves to see Dani..."
Mike smiled.
Mike: "I agree with you Amy, come on!"
Mike and Amy left the room and went to Christina.
Christina with a broken voice: "H-eyy Am.."
She sucked at the y. The doctor lady was still treating Christina's hand.
Amy: "Christina, come one! Dani is waiting for you!"
The lady: "Wait a moment please, I will give you a wheelchair."
The lady finished with Christina's hand and picked a wheelchair.
Lady: "Have fun! See you later. And you (Christina), please be careful with your hands!"
Christina nodded and smiled. She sat down on the wheelchair. With help by Mike.
They went to Dani's room.
All were happy to see Christina. Christina smiled and cried when she spotted Dani.
Dani tried to speak.
Dani: "Ch-ri-st-in-a!"

(at Lauren)

Lauren tried to see something. But she got troubles with one of the the doctors. She thought of Dani at this moment. What if Dani fall back into the coma and she wasn't with her? She didn't realize that the elevator already hold on. She followed the doctors quickly. One of the doctors became angry.
Doctor: "Girl, what are you doing?!"
Lauren: "What's wrong with Elaine!?"
Doctor: "First, WHO ARE YOU??"
Lauren: "I'm her friend! Do you understand what does it mean to be a true friend?? My sister just woke up of the coma! And guess what: Real friends are like sisters! And sisters understand each other! So, say me now what's wrong with Elaine!!"
Lauren got tears in her eyes and screamed. The doctor was confused.
Doctor: "See, Elaine got troubles with her blood. Go to your sister now. I will call you if you say me your name, okay?"
Lauren: "I'm Lauren..."
Lauren sat down on a chair and thought of Dani and Elaine.
Doctor: "Okay Lauren, I will call you if we have any news."
The doctor put his hand on her shoulder.
Doctor: "Sorry Lauren, excuse me, I have to go... See you later!"
The doctor left with a smile. Lauren stood up. She went to the upstairs and walked up. She entered floor 634. She entered Dani's room. Lauren couldn't speak alot. She was happy. Only happy. But there was still this bad feeling what means something was wrong with Elaine...

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