Chapter 1

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After a long day, they were going to go home. The video was filmed. It was very late. It was dark.

Christina: "Guys, the video will be awesome!"

Amy: "Agree."

Dani: "I think so."



Christina realized it too late and she couldn't stop the car. Another car crashed with the Cimorelli Car.

Only 5 minutes later came an ambulance. The police and all the other people were standing there.

Policeman: "Does anybody know them?" Nobody answered.

Emergency doctors picked them out of the car. First Christina, then Lisa, then Amy, then Lauren, then Katherine and then at last, Dani.

Emergency doctor: "The youngest girl, I think it is, need to be first!"

They put Dani into the ambulance. The ambulance went to the hospital.

Amy, Katherine and Lauren were okay. Only a few scratchs. Christina and Lisa went into the hospital too.

The policeman came to Kath.

Policeman: "Who are you?"

Kath: (a little bit confused) "I'm Katherine Cimorelli. We're all sisters."

Policeman: "Can you give us the number of your parents?"

Kath gave him the number. Then, Kath, Lauren and Amy went to the hospital too. Amy and Lauren started crying.

Kath: (sad) "Guys, I'm sad too..." She started crying too.

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