Chapter Seven || I have Amnesia not Short Term Memory Loss ||

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|| I have Amnesia not Short Term Memory Loss ||


James and I walk down the stairs in silence for a while before he speaks up. Good, the silence was just getting uncomfortable.

I can feel him behind me; he’s closely shadowing my footsteps. If I’d turn around, I’d probably come face to face with his chest. He’s pretty tall, you see. Next to him I probably look like a midget.


Stupid girl hormones that make me lose the height competition to guys.

“So, how long have we been friends for?” he asks me, his voice echoing in the wing as we walk down the never ending staircase.

“Uh, well, about eight years, give or take. Although, we haven’t been speaking to each other until recently.” I reply.

“Really? Why?” He asks, surprise evident in his voice.

Who knows dude? I’m still trying to figure it out myself. You guys and your reasons.

I don’t tell him what I’m thinking though. Even though I have a small idea as to why he started ignoring me. It started after that blasted party.

“I don’t know. You never told me. Just one day out of the blue, you started ignoring me when I used to meet you. After some time, I just stopped trying to talk to you, I guess.” I shrug.

“Oh. I must’ve had some reason. Who knows? So, um, what else can you tell me?” he asks me, looking at me. “Let’s start with something simple, do you know what my favorite color might have been?”

“Well, the last I knew your favorite color was blue, I’m not sure if it has changed.” I answer him, as honestly as I can.

“It has,” says a voice from behind us. We hadn’t even realized we’d reached the ground floor where everyone was waiting for us.

Impatiently, I might add. All of them were looking at us like ‘how much time does it take you to climb down the stairs dude?!

Ben puts his arm around James and continues, “James now prefers red, after our school colors and his jersey color.” He makes as though he wants to continue but someone interrupts him and then we’re basically being pushed out from the lobby.

“Enough idle chit-chat you guys, let’s make a move to Natural’s.” Elita tells us, walking ahead with Carollyn and Anushka. Chris and Arjun have already gone ahead it seems, maybe to catch us a good spot. It’s around six in the evening and most of the people will be coming around to have ice cream now. That place is perpetually crowed with people, mostly teens and their boyfriends/girlfriends. Even though it’s winter. Yes, it does not make sense. But it’s ice cream. Who cares about sense?

We’re all walking towards the parlor now; very lazily. I’m sandwiched between Ben and James, who are talking about the IPL. Ben is instructing James on which teams he should be supporting and which were crap and some other random crap about cricket. “You have got to support ‘Mumbai Indians’, they’re the best!” he keeps repeating.

I roll my eyes in exasperation. Boys.

We all enter the parlor and take our seats in the corner booth, the one Chris and Arjun picked out. Somehow, I end up sitting next to Arjun with James opposite me.

“So, people, what does everyone want? Kiara and James will go and get our orders.” Carollyn asks everyone, before they all pour in with their orders.

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