The truth about us

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"What were about to tell you kids... might seem strange" Stephen said.

"All of you are a specific type of supernatural, with specific powers"Nadia said

"But first let's talk about..your parents,for the past week we have been here we have been doing that...looking for them" Katerina said "only four of you kids parents have been found, the other two of you, we will keep searching for them."

We have been here a week,a week in a city in California called Los Angeles. Were no longer in Arizona.

"We will answer all of your questions truthfully" Stephen said

"Which of us don't have parents?"asked the boy sitting next to me.

"We will take you in separately and talk about it in private, okay" Nadia said

The apartment we are staying in is pretty big Katerina said its a condo. Me and five subjects from the Icarus project, were sitting on the couch.

Nadia is on our left in a small couch facing us. Katerina and Stephen are to our right.

"What dose supernatural mean?" asked a girl at the end of the end of the couch

"Supernatural means it can't be tested scientifically--"

"Its magic kids" katerina interrupted her sister "there are withches,sorcers,shaman's, half-demons,necromancer, vampires,and werewolves"

"Oh" we all said

"Now we will tell you about what powers you have..okay"Nadia said taking out a paper

"Gloria and Cassandra, as you might already know you two are witches."

Gloria and Cassandra were on the left end of the couch they looked the same, obviously there sisters, they both have hazel eyes and light brown hair gloria is more pale than her sister

"Brenda you are a  teleporting half-demon"

Brenda is next to the twins she has dark brown eyes and brown hair

"Victor you are a fire half-demon"

Victor is between brenda and me, he has brown hair and blue eyes

" Carlos you are a sorcerer"

Carlos is next to me his green eyes looked at her with a blank expression

"Katherine" she paused "what they tried to make you is impossible, they tried to turn you into a werewolf, luckily for you they only achieved two senses a werewolf has which is inhaste hearing and smell"

Werewolf they tried to turn me into a Werewolf?


In the morning we were all eating breakfast it was good, really good better than the very little   they food the fed us at the lab.

No one talked we were to busy eating this delicious food Nadia maid

"Its goog huh" katerina said

We all nodded yes

Nadia chuckled "We will talk about everything else for now, keep eating until you are full."


We were all in the living room again. Stephen wasn't with us so it was Nadia and her sister. I wonder what she did to get her powers taken. I'll ask her later

"Okay I know you still have questions"Katerina said "So fire away"

Katerina looked like her sister but she was young with brown hair and brwon eyes. Nadia on the other hand looked as if she is in her sixties withe blond hair and blue eyes.I'll ask that too

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