Chapter twenty-seven Run For it

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Chapter twenty-seven

Run For it

I lurched awake, coated in sweat. My heart was pounding as I searched the room. I was alone but the images playing inside my head was enough to keep me company. Covering my face, I couldn’t remember the last time I had that nightmare. But with the noises coming from next door all night, I wasn’t surprised. 

The door was flung open and one of Michael’s men was standing there. “Get up.”

I climbed out of bed and fixed my jacket that was tangled around my body. Following him into the hall, he took me to Robert’s makeshift office. I sat down on the couch with Corbin next to me. He was a complete mess, but anyone would be after being tortured all night. By the smirk on his face, I’d say Adam couldn’t have been prouder of himself. He really was a sadistic man. I knew that from experience. 

“Sent them last night,” said Michael, who was sitting on Robert’s desk. 

“Who?” I asked.

Michael glanced toward me for a minute before going back to talking to Robert. “Finish up whatever you have to do so we can get out of here. Luke’s already nearly gotten me arrested once and this,” he tapped the paper on the desk, “has the whole damn country looking for us.”

I sat up and tried to see what he was pointing to.

“You two are both wanted men.” Robert leaned over his desk and looked between Michael and Adam. “Do you know how hard it’s going to be to get you over the border? We’d be there all ready if I left you two and Gavin here.”

“Well it’s a good thing we got Gavin then,” said Adam folding his arms. “You may be paying for this but you turn on us and I won’t hesitate.” He tapped his hip and I could make out the outline of a gun. 

Corbin put his head between his knees and was gasping for air. I wanted to help him, but there wasn’t much I could do. I was used to my life being shit, and now he was getting a taste of it. I slumped down in my seat. Happiness was really too good for me.

The door was flung open and slammed against the wall.

“Damn it! What the hell-” started Michael. 

“The police are on they’re way.” The man breathed. “That guy hanging around last night…” he heaved “was a reporter. Our plant at the station says the cops are on their way. That guy told them where to find us.”

Robert stood. “Pull the car around.”

“The hell,” snapped Adam. “You’re plannin’ to leave us here.” He took out the gun and pointed at Robert. “You brought me here. I still be in fucking Mexico if you hadn’t drag me back here to get him.” He waved the gun at my direction. 

I sat frozen in my seat. 

“You’re really going to point a gun at me?” laughed Robert.

I heard a gun being cocked and watch the man guarding the door place a pistol to Adam’s head.

“You’re not leaving us here,” said Michael.

“I’m not going to jail for the sake of you two.” 

The guard took the pistol from Adam while another man aimed one at Michael.

“Turning my own men against me,” he muttered.

“They go where the money is and you’re broke.” He stood and took his jacket off the chair. Walking over to me, he lifted my chin. “I’m going to have to wait a little longer.”

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