Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

His body was so tense at first so I squeezed into him tighter until his body relaxed and I felt his strong arms wrap around me. I smiled into his chest as his head sunk down on mine.

"Seems as if someone missed me," His voice was low and deep as he whispered to me. Although it was a playful comment, I couldn't help but admit that yes, I really did miss him.

"I really did. A whole lot." I say to him as his hands rub on my back soothingly.

"I don't think your mom missed me after what happened," He mumbles.

I pull away and look at his eyes. They were serious now and appeared a bit sad. "We talked about it. She thought both you and Crash were the bad guys but then we had a one on one talk. She needed to know that you wasn't the bad guy."

His eyes dart from mine, uncomfortably and he began scratching at his beard. "I'm not the good guy either, Jessie."

There it was. That pain. The pain of not knowing the full truth. His truth. And I wanted to just slap it out of him but I didn't want to seem too pushy. I didn't want to seem like I didn't trust him. Because I did. But at the same time, the thoughts of him lying to me haunted my mind.

"Look," I take a grasp of his large more rough hand. "I just wanted you out and okay. Anything beyond that can wait for now until we get everything situated."

His eyes are now focused on my and his other hand is still nervously scratching at his stubble. "Are you sure?"

No. "Yes," I nodded my head and give him a smile and he returns it with a smirk. "Now, let's go, Jamie has missed you as well," I giggled off, pulling him along with me as we cross to meet with my mother and Jamie.

The police department had released Matt but they informed us that he still had to hear to a court date about a case that was opening on Crash's situation. I wasn't too worried about that though. Because as long as Matt told them the truth and didn't hide anything, I hoped we'd be good.

The drive back home was a bit silent. Everyone was in their own thoughts. My mom had not been rude to Matt. She had greeted him and apologized about her behavior and knowing that my grandmother wouldn't apologize to him, she did that as well. And Jamie warmed up to him quickly, just as before.

This was good. It felt right.

But there was still something heavy weighing on my chest.

We got back to the house and the chilly weather ate at my skin. I stayed behind Matt as he carried a sleeping Jamie inside behind my mother.

"Well, it's nice having you back, Matt. I'll take Jamie so you and Jess can catch up a bit, alright?" My mother smoothly takes Jamie as she is sleeping and carries her off upstairs.

I can hear her footsteps becoming silent as she walks farther. I tug at Matt's hand and drag him to the kitchen first. I didn't want to just tackle him with my questions and concerns. I wanted to do it in a non-pushy way.

"Are you hungry? We bough groceries like two days ago? Do you want a sandwich?" I asked him as I release hims arm and move around the island to get to the fridge.

"Yeah, two please,"

"I see you've grown an appetite." I joke with him.

He chuckles a bit. "I would ask for three but I don't want to see greedy,"

"Hey, hey, hey, now. Don't over step your boundary mister." I shake my head as he releases a hearty laugh. I begin to pull out the bread, cheese, turkey and everything else that I've seen him use to make his sandwiches before. "So, how was it in there? If you don't mind me asking," I look at him but he shakes his head.

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