Chapter 26

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Chapter dedicated to @HopeS746 thank you for the amazing banner ❤️

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Jayda's POV

"I think you should go back inside Luna" Garret says for the hundredth time, and i shake my head. I am no immediate danger and what kind of Luna would I be if I locked myself inside the house while everyone else is going through hell.

Garret hasn't moved from my side, he has been following me around the whole village.

I've been searching for About 10 minutes but I still haven't found him.

My dad's house was empty, at least that's what I thought until I found a basement. Since when do houses here have basements?

I opened the door slowly only to be attacked by a mass of curly black hair.

Or almost attacked because Garret shifted in seconds and tackled the person to the floor before they even touched me.

How the hell did he shift that fast?

Then I see who it was and roll my eyes "Why the hell did you try to attack me?" I ask Karen, asshole of a dad's crazy wife.

Garret still hadn't shifted back, I guess he wasn't joking around. His canines were hovering over Karen's neck.

"I thought you were the killer" Karen says her voice shaky. She was terrified.

"Garret she told you it was an accident, please let go of her" I say awkwardly.

Garret reluctantly shifts back and pulls away, his eyes completely black and breathing heavily, adrenaline clearly running through his body.

"Be fucking careful next time, if you hurt our Luna or her pups you will pay , I will make sure of it" Garret threatens, looking extremely scary.

Karen scowls but takes a step back "She is my Luna too, also my step daughter. I would never hurt her"

"Very well" He says stepping back so I could keep looking for Jayson but his posture is still stiff.

"Where's Jayson?" I ask Karen.

"He is in the pups panic room. The Alpha sent all of the kids and teens who haven't shifted there. Nobody can go in there until everything is over" She answers and I nod.

"Thank you" I say curtly then I add "Do you have any pants for Garret?"

He has been naked since he shifted and i just feel extremely awkward.

"Uh, yeah. Theres a box with basketball shorts and sweat pants next to the front door" Karen says.

"Okay, have a nice day?" I say stupidly. How can she have a nice day with everything that is going on.

Eh, I don't give two flying shits what she thinks.

I walk out from the basement with Garret, not looking at him until he put on some pants.

When he had successfully out on some black sweatpants I turned to him.

"Why were you so hostile with Karen, i mean I know she almost attacked me but she didn't" i wonder.

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