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(Jessiebrine's P.O.V)

Looking through old Voidian books, I sighed.

"Hey... Brought you some food.." Nightmares said, putting the plate down beside me. "And uhhh... Kindred left this on the front porch for you... Its adressed to 'my darling and beautiful Amethyst', so obviously its for you..."

I looked over at the sword.

"Its The Red Matter Sword, brother to my usual and loyal Dark Matter Sword...."

She nodded and leaned it on the table I was sitting at, I poked it and bound it to me in case I needed to dual wield any time soon. Afterwards I turned back to the book I was reading.

"This book says that all Voidians can travel back and forth but it doesn't show any pictures... So I can't teleport there..."

She nodded.

"What if its something else? Like a portal?"

"They can only be opened in the void itself..."

"Hmmmm... Well... I don't know... Ask Slender for suggestions if you want to."

Sighing again, I closed the book then put it back on my shelf.

Nightmares walked with me while I grabbed the couple pieces of buttered bread that ere next to a hot beef stew that she had brought for me.

When we reached Slender's door, I knocked on it and it opened with him hiding behind the door.

"Uhhh..." I began. "Are you okay Slendy?"

"Y-y-yeah... W-w-what i-is it?"

It was awkward to hear him stutter, but it was then when I saw a pale arm grab onto his tie and tug.

"U-u-uhhhh..." His face went red.

Night covered her smile while my cheeks went pink trying to not laugh.

"I uhhhh..."

"Whats an idea for teleporting into the Void?"

"Try getting your first memory when you were a baby... You can teleport to familiar sounds and feelings to... WHOA!"

The girl that was in his room kicked the door shut and giggled.

"We should leave them alone..."


We walked away as I thought of what he said.

"Even if I don't remember them... Those memories are still there in my head right?"

"Yeah... I could look for them then show them to you inside your head if you want me to... I'm not an expert but I'll do what I can..."

"Okay." I replied as she spawned a couple fancy chairs and sat us both down.

"The Voidian part of me is weaker than my Fox Person part but it'll do."

She stared into my eyes for a few minutes.

"Having a staring contest?" Steve walked up and she pushed him away.

"No, I'm reading her mind... They don't seem to be here... They should... Oh, they appeared.. Here it is..."

My vision went black and blurred as I heard breathing above my head. I could see yellow which ment Sunny was the one who took me out of the Void. He was running, and holding me closely to himself.

"You're a lot of trouble now arent you?" He said while a blue light came across us. "Lets go little sister..." He kissed my forehead then jumped into the portal which almost made me cry.

Jessiebrine-2-The New BeginingWhere stories live. Discover now