Chapter Eleven

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That night, we decided to stay the night at Mike's house before Quinton and I headed back to Grand Haven tomorrow.

Lying in the guest bedroom, I speed dialled Ava's number and held the phone to my ear—hearing the ring tone play out as I waited for her to pick up.


"Yeah, baby. Did I wake you up?" It wasn't too late, only just turning eleven but Ava sounded sleepy.

"No. I just closed my eyes. How is everything over there? Is it...done?" I hadn't spoken to Ava over the phone since I left on Thursday other than texts here and there to check how she was doing.

"It's done." The hitch in her breath told me what she was thinking. "I'm fine, okay? Stop worrying." I told her for the hundredth time.

"Okay." Ava sighed. "I miss you."

"I miss you too. I'll be home tomorrow."


"What, baby?"

"What you won't get in trouble for it, right? I mean, you won't get caught?" Shit, my girl worried too much.

"No. There's no way that'll happen. We made sure of it." I tried to assure her but I could tell she wasn't buying it. "Remember when I told you about the day of Macy's death and how I went back to the club to get rid of those men?"


"I didn't get caught for that, right?"

"No." Ava said, softly.

"So have a little faith in me. When I tell you that it won't happen, believe it." Silence took over the line and I waited for her to take in what I said before I changed the subject. "Guess what, baby?"

"What?" Ava questioned, her tone lined with a little excitement.

"Quinton and I came back with Mike today to his house. We reconciled with Stella."

"Really? That's so great, Linc!" I heard the smile in her voice which made me lips turn up in my own smile. "How did it go? Was she happy? Was she mad? I bet she cursed you out." Ava's soft giggle came through the line after that.

"You would have enjoyed that, huh? Seeing her curse me out?"

"Well, it would have been entertaining." She joked.

"Stella was...really upset. She cried a lot and yeah she cursed but it wasn't an enjoyable experience. Seeing my sister the way she is now, it hurts. She's lost weight babe and her eyes are just so dull, like there's no life in them."

"I'm sorry." Ava whispered after a pause.

"Stella's strong so she'll be okay. And things seem to be better between her and Quinton so hopefully, she'll be back to normal in no time."

"That's good to hear. I knew it would be just a matter of time until those two got back together again."

"Yeah," I smiled. "I want you to meet her."

"You do?"

"Of course, baby. I told her about you and she wants to meet you too. She wants to see the girl who managed to tame her wild brother."

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