Chapter Two

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"Ugh, Kade is such an asshole!" Nina exclaimed, breezing into Ava's kitchen with a scowl on her face. It was early morning, around 7 am and we were both eating breakfast. I looked to Ava, questioningly as Nina snatched a bacon strip from her plate and she shrugged in answer.

"Why?" I probed at Nina. Ava shot me a deadly look as if to say, 'why did you have to ask?' and I smirked. I'd established early on that Ava was not a morning person. If she could, she would choose to sleep all day. And right now, it was clear from her face that she wasn't awake enough to hear Nina rant. Unfortunately, it was too late.

"He thinks he can just order me around and I'll listen. Well..." Nina scoffed loudly, "... let me tell you that I will not stand for it. I mean, who does he think he is? Does he even know me? If he did, he'd know that if I want something, I'll do it despite anyone's opinion of it!" Nina stabbed her index finger into the surface of the countertop to prove how serious she was. Ava put her coffee mug near her mouth and muttered a curse behind it. I smiled.

"And, why is it that all men are such Neanderthals..." Nina yapped on. Ava plucked her shaped eyebrow at me-silently saying, 'yes, why are you?', "...I don't care if what I want requires someone touching my tits, I-"

"Whoa!" Ava finally perked up. "Let's just stop there for a second. What the hell are you talking about?" Nina leaned forward in her seat and grabbed another bacon strip. She bit a mouthful off and chewed.

"I'm talking about me wanting nipple piercings." Three things happened as her sentence ended. Ava choked on the sip of coffee she had just taken, I ran to her side and patted her back whilst Nina pulled Ava's breakfast plate in front of her and continued to chew on her bacon.

"You okay, babe?" I held back my laughter as I handed Ava a tissue. She snatched it off me and patted her mouth with it.

"I'm fine." She assured and then pinned her stare on Nina. "Are you serious?"

"Yes!" Nina smiled, waving her that damn bacon strip in the air in excitement.

"What on earth would possess you to want that?" Ava looked at her ludicrously. Nina snorted before taking a sip of Ava's coffee. Does Kade not feed this girl?

"It's just a piercing, Ava. I'm not planning a murder."

"Yes but a piercing in your nipples?" Okay...this conversation was making me a little uncomfortable. "That's so...barbaric."

"Well, we're not all blessed with perfect looking tits you know." Nina pursed her lips at Ava. Damn it. Now I was getting hard with the thought of Ava's out of this world breasts in my head. "I think it'll look cool." Nina grinned.

"Not happening!" Kade grumbled as he walked into the kitchen and headed straight for the fridge.

"Is too!" Nina shouted, sticking her chin out stubbornly and folding her arms.

"Do you people not have food and drinks at your place?" I questioned as Kade pulled out a carton of orange juice. Neither of them answered and just glared at each other. I looked to Ava.

"It's fine." She sighed. "Kade tends stock me back up every now and then." I didn't know how I felt about that. Another man buying my girl groceries but I nodded nonetheless.

"I so don't like you right now." Nina glowered. Kade shrugged and gulped back a glass of OJ.

"Get over it." He said, rinsing out the glass in the sink. "Those are my tits and I'll break any fucker's arm that touches them." Kade's voice was hard and unwavering. Nina shot him her version of the puppy dog eyes and jutted her bottom lip out while Ava snickered quietly.

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