Chapter 1

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It was a busy night at the diner. Usually I closed at around 10pm but tonight the staff and I had to cater a large group of people and so i had to lock up at 12.

I cleaned the tables, washed the plates, mopped the floor, put the chairs up and retreived my coat. I took the keys, closed the lights and locked up the restaurant. It was pretty windy tonight and i regret not taking my warmer jacket.

I walked towards home and zipped my laté every once in a while like I would always do on my way home. The west side of London always did give me the chills. It wasn't the best place to be at night.

I was 10 minutes away from home when I suddenly felt a great urge to turn myself around. It had been years since I felt this scared in my life and it was a feeling I never wanted to experience again but that's all I felt right now. I took a deep breath and continued walking without trying to turn my head and look behind me. As I was turning the corner i felt a strong grip on my arm pull me backwards. This was exactly the situation I was trying to avoid. I tried kicking and screaming but once my back had hit a hard surface I knew it was over. The man bent down ear level and quietly whispered

-Don't scream babe, it'll only be worse for you.

He had a deep husky voice, and curly light brown hair. I couldn't speak or move. He had completely paralyzed me and all he did was hold me as tight as he can

- If you move, i wont hesitate to kill you.

And suddenly everything around me came to a sudden halt
(How did you guys like the first chapter?) PLEASE COMMENT and VOTE!!

Bad Boy Harry Styles  *EDITING A LOT*Where stories live. Discover now