Chapter 32

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Its been 2 months since Hayes tried to commit suicide. Hayes blood transplant went good. But he's in a coma. I haven't left the hospital at all. My parents has been taking care of Hayden cause they know what I'm going through. I wish he would wake up so I can tell him I forgive him and love him. I lost like 10 pound cause I can't eat or sleep.

Elizabeth: Justice you have to eat something. Hayes wouldn't want you not taking care of yourself.

Justice: I know its hard just watching life pass him by.

Elizabeth: Its hard for all of us. But you know who getting the hardest?

Justice: Who?

Elizabeth: Hayden your son he already can't see his daddy don't take away his mommy too.

I sighed sadly.

Justice: Your right can you bring him tomorrow and I eat something promise.

Elizabeth: I will do and you better eat something. See you tomorrow.

She walked out the room as I starred at Hayes.

Justice: Hayes babe I miss you so much. I feel like its all my fault. I didn't mean it when I said I didn't love you. I love you with all my heart.

I kissed his cold chapped lips. I pulled away as the monitor started beeping a little faster. I looked at him to see his eyes fluttered open. I gasped as he looked at me. He held his throat which I knew was dry. I called a nurse in to bring him some water. She brought a doctor to check to make sure Hayes was fully okay.

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