Chapter 9

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We finally arrived a the house and when we pulled up I saw my dad in the glass screen door. Soon as the car parked I ran out the car to my dad. I ran into his arms as we hugged each tight. I started crying on his shoulder.

Dad: I missed you so much baby girl.

Justice: I missed you to dad.

We heard a click of a camera and saw my mom with it in her hands.

Mom: I just love y'all father daughter moments.

Dad: Where's my grandson Hayden.

Mom: In the  car cause somebody was just so excited to see her father.

I grabbed Hayden out the car and my parents grabbed our bags out the trunk and we made are way to my old room. When  got up there I opened the door to my room. Everything still looked the same except there was a different side of the room. Which was decorated with baby stuff and a crib. I put Hayden car seat on my bed and looked around my room. I saw my hand made collage I made with Hayes with all our picture together. And all the stuff animals he won me or brought from place he has toured. I picked up a picture frame that sat on my nightstand of me and Hayes when I visited him at Magcon. I didn't notice that my parents left the room. I got knocked out my thoughts my Haydens cry. I dried my tears and walked over to him. I picked him up and every time I look in his eyes I see Hayes. I rocked him side to side and he slowly stopped crying and looked into my eyes. He smiled at me as I returned that smile. He took my pinkie and put it in his mouth and I knew he was hungry so I went down stair but stopped when I saw a blonde hair little girl.

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