Kindle the Fire

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Juku was on me the moment we arrived, grabbing my arm, roughly yanking me out of my captor’s grip. His face was bright red, and he was so angry I could feel him shaking as he dragged me back towards the entrance of the cave.

Kari ignored us, greeting the black haired man at the head of the army. “Ivar! So you come at last!”

The man executed a half bow, dipping forward at the waist. He leaned down to kiss the top of Kari’s hand and I felt Juku stiffen behind me. It was like something clicked into place just then. This man, this giant of a man, was most likely the one who would end up with my mother. He had “king” written all over him. I was burning with curiosity. Was he a cousin of Surtr’s or something? Did that make them second cousins? No wait, she’d married into the family, hadn’t she?

My brain was working overtime as I stared at them. Kari was leaning in close to Ivar, and he had his dark head bent next to hers. They were talking in low voices. Juku kept shifting behind me, and his fingers were biting into my upper arm. He was obviously pissed.

I turned my head slightly, so that he could hear me and said quietly, “There, see? You can bet she’s got something going on with him as well.”

Juku only grunted and pulled me against his chest forcefully. “Shut up.”

“Poor Juku. Did I get you in trouble?” I couldn’t seem to stop running my mouth off. “Did she spank you?”

His voice was low and angry next to my ear. “I said shut up.”

I was about to continue, regardless of the consequences, when there was a commotion from the gathering of jotun in front of us. They were turning toward the forest, drawing their swords. I froze. Through the woods I could see movement, men on horses heading this way.


Kari turned and snapped at Juku, “Bring her to the front and access the link. It’s time to see what you can do.”

Juku dragged me forward, pushing me through the rebels. He stopped beside Ivar at the head of the army. I squirmed angrily as he looped one arm around my neck and pressed my back into his chest.

"You don't have to do this."

"Be silent."

"Why are you doing this for someone who doesn't give a crap about you?"

"One more word and I'll choke you to death myself," Juku growled.

Figures on horseback emerged from the trees, and my heart leapt when I saw Asher leading the elite guard. He was dressed in chainmail, astride a huge grey horse, and he held his broadsword across the saddle and at the ready. When he spotted me his eyes grew huge, and his mouth firmed into a straight line. It would have been hard to tell how furious he was if I didn’t know him so well. But I could see the way he shifted in the saddle, how his fingers tightened on the handle of his broadsword.

“Juku,” he said in an even voice. “Let her go.”

I thought maybe Juku would reply, that they would trade macho insults or something, like in the movies. Instead, Juku’s arm tightened on my throat. I felt the feather touch of something on my mind, and then it hit me like a semi truck. He was linked with me, he was inside, invading my every thought, taking over me. He controlled my breathing, my heart rate. He knew me and everything about me. There was nothing kept safe from him, no small dark corner of my mind I could retreat to.

Distantly I could hear someone yelling. I could feel my skin tingling, my knees buckling underneath me. I knew Juku was holding me up, and I wanted to stand up straight and run. To run as far away from him as I could. I couldn’t move though.

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