open when you graduate high school

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dear B,
YES! YOU DID IT! CELEBRATE! because you completed 13 years of school. sure, up until about 3rd grade it was basically art class. and nothing got hard until 6th grade. but anyways you completed school despite the many obstacles that were thrown at you. and I know you graduated with an outstanding GPA. so you will go to an amazing college and have the time of your life making forever friends and forever memories. and you with an amazing college you will get your dream job of being a physical therapist with the side dream of being a writer which will happen. you will get your big family and a town house in San Fransisco. your life is starting now. but before it really starts have a hella fun summer and make hella fun memories. and when college starts take it seriously but not so seriously that you have a panic attack every night. but most of all create a life after college that you want to live. even if it consists of taking a year off before you start college. I'm proud of you and everything you've achieved, and everything great that will happen in your life. go you. (ps. sorry for this letter. I really didn't know what to say but I wanted to say something)


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