Currents Convulsive

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Currents Convulsive: Chapter 2-

Me and Vic talked for two hours straight. Laughing and joking with him on my leather couch made me realize how much I missed human contact that wasn't my mother. Talking to Vic made me happier than I'd been in weeks. I learned that he could sing and play guitar, he had a younger brother named Mike, and that he doesn't like violence. Of course I'd learned a lot more after two hours but something's stuck out more than others. Every little thing I found out about him made him even more attractive to me.

We were laughing at some stupid joke I forgot about when we realize that it was now past lunch. "You wanna eat anything?" I asked as we both calmed down. "Sure." Vic grinned at me. I nodded in return and got up and lead him to the kitchen. I flung open the pantry door and started looking around inside. Cereal, chips, pasta, canned food, bread. We didn't really have much. I hummed in disapproval. "What are we going to make?" Vic asked moving behind me to look inside. My breath caught in my throat at how close he was. I so badly wanted to turn around and kiss him. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and turned to face him. "We don't really have much but we can try and make spaghetti." I say. I glance around his face and he smiles at me. His straight white teeth throw me off track. "Sure, that works." He moves past me and when his arm brushes mine I shiver. I need to stop being stupid. This dude just got here today and I've been drooling over him the whole time.

"You're cute when you're thinking." I hear Vic chuckle. I jump at his voice and face him again. He has the box of pasta noodles and sauce in his arms and he has the biggest grin on his face. "I-I- what?" I stuttered. "You heard me." Vic said and sauntered over to the stove. I ran a hand through my hair. What the hell was that? I breathed heavily through my nose and walked over to where he was. Reaching into the cabinet above the stove to get the pot for the noodles I hear Vic turn the knob on the stove with a loud click. I finally get the pot down and turn to the sink to fill it with water. Once it fills half way up I turn back to the stove and place it on the burner. Vic tears open the cardboard box of noodles and pours them in.

"What are we gonna do while these cook?" Vic asks as he leans against the counter next to where the noodles are. I shrug. "We can put on some music?" I suggest. "Okay." Vic smiles. I take out my phone and put my play list on shuffle. The first song that comes on is The Downfall Of Us All by A Day To Remember. I hear Vic groan behind me as I set my phone down. "This song is so awesome!" He says in an excited tone. He air screams the words "let's go" and starts to jump around as the sound of Jeremy McKinnon's band fills the kitchen. I laugh and jump along with him. Soon both of us are mouthing the lyrics to each other and playing air guitars. "This town will be the down fall of us all." Vic sings and jumps around in a circle. My smile grows wider as I watch him. I head bang along as Vic starts to sing again. "Now go tell them that we sold out, like we're the ones who changed." I screamed along. Vic sends me a look of amazement but still continues to jump along to the song. Me and him go back to back and air guitar together. We separate and clap along to the song then begin to jump again. We're both singing at this point. We were all smiles and laughs. Both of us look at each other before the song ends and nod, knowing we both have the same thing in mind. "DOWN FALL OF US ALLLLLLLL." We both scream and drop to our knees on the tile.

Both of us can't stop laughing as the song changes to California by Never Shout Never.
"That was the most fun I've had in like forever." Vic giggles as he leans against the cabinets behind him. "Same." I laugh. Looking at him I see his hair is all over his face. His tie got loosened and the bottom of his shirt was wrinkled from all of the jumping. He looked beautiful. "I didn't know you could scream." He said looking at me curiously. "Well it's not like I do it a lot. But I can do it as you saw." I gestured randomly in the air. "Well, it was nice." He smiled softly at me. The song switched again to Lead Me Out Of The Dark by Crown The Empire. Vic laid his head back and softly sung the lyrics. "It's not quite a mystery. I'm the one who's insecure you're the one who makes believe that we're all okay, we're doing fine. When we're both fighting just to stay alive." He continued to sing but I zoned out. All I could focus on was how his lips moved. How he changed pitches so easily. I watched as his Adam's apple moved up and down his slender throat as he sang. His chest rose with every breath and I couldn't take my eyes away. His head lifted off the cabinet but his eyes still remained closed. He moved his head, shaking it as he sung. As he sung the last note his eyes slid open.

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