Falling Asleep On A Stranger

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Falling Asleep On A Stranger- Chapter 6

"I honestly don't know." Vic replied.

I could tell if what I felt was relief or heartbreak. I mean how could he not know? I didn't know myself but he was the older one. He was supposed to have the answers. "Vic." I sighed. I don't know what to even say. I looked to the ground. I knew this was a bad idea. I knew it.

"Jaime." Vic said desperately, urging me to look up. I looked up to him briefly. He had a deep set frown on his face and he seemed so concerned. "What Vic. This is all just so confusing. It feels almost like you're leading me on. Just because you're older does not mean you can lead me on. It's just not fair Vic." I huffed out and quickly sat down on his bed. He sat beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. I really hope this doesn't mean the "but I'm your teacher and this is a professional relationship" speech. It's already past that and he knows it.

"Jaime look. I really like you. Like a lot. You're one of the best and brightest people I've ever met." His smile is so real that I can almost believe what he's saying. "What's the but. There's always a but." I say sternly. Vic deeply sighs and slides his arm down from my shoulders and folds his hands in his lap. "You know what the but is Jaime." Vic says void of emotion. I frustratedly stand up and turn to him. "So what Vic? I'm legal I'm able to consent. Who cares if you're my teacher. No one has to know. You sure don't when you kiss me." I practically growl out. I start pacing the room. "Jaime I can still get arrested for it! In this state teacher-student relationships are illegal. I'd love to be with you. But I would rather not lose my job." Now Vic is getting angry too.

"So you're job is more important than me, huh? Is that it?" Vic lets out a groan when I say that. He stands up and grabs my shoulder to stop me from pacing. "You're my student Jaime. School is almost over. I can't lose this job because incase you didn't know it's the only fucking way I can see you. I'm doing this for you damn it. Just stop it." Vic hisses in my face. I've had enough. I quickly back Vic against the wall and pin his arms above his head. "If you care so much, fucking act like it." I say lowly. Vic stares at me. I crush my lips to his and he grunts against me.   I press him harder against the wall and he's pinned. Good, he can't move. He slips his arms down from above him and he grips onto my hips.

I grind harshly against him. I'm going to show him that he doesn't have all of the control here. He throws his head against the wall in pleasure. I take this opportunity to kiss his neck. Vic digs his nails into the exposed flesh on my hips where my pants had ridden down. I was sucking marks into his flesh by now and every little sound he made just drove me further. I kissed my way up to his ear. "Are you going to regret this?" I whispered huskily. If he wanted me he was going to have to WANT me. "Forget regret." His hot breath hit my skin like fire. Everywhere was hot. I couldn't feel anything but his finger tips and lips. He was all I wanted. "Who said anything about regret." I whispered back. Then Vic took over.

He pushed me onto his bed and straddled me. I was getting too hot in all of my clothes and I just wanted Vic to do something, anything about it. He slid his hands under my shirt and his cold hands made me shiver with want. I couldn't stop thinking about the way his eyes look dangerous. How his hair shielded his face at times. When his hands made their way to my belt I knew there was no stopping this now. What I feel like I've waited forever for was happening and the thing was, I wasn't even scared. I was just so absolutely amazed by him that I could only feel extreme attraction. I just hope he feels the same.

*Time Skip about 2 hours*

Our hot bodies were pressed against each other and it felt like nothing could possibly separate us. Vic was still beautiful when he was sweaty and reeked of sex. Im sure I looked like i'd been through a wind tunnel with the way my hair sticks out normally, not to mention the vigorous exercise I had just been doing. Wasn't that something. Vic was calm and gentle with me. Of course, he was the bottom but he knew that he had more experience than me and wasn't one to rush into anything. Eventually it was past the sweet awkwardness and into the hormones and lust. I sure as hell was glad my mother wasn't home though because if I learned anything from this entire experience its that Vic was very, very loud. Not that I minded at all.

The entire thing was more than I could have asked for and all I hoped it would be. But even so it left me more confused than ever. In a matter of seconds we had gone from arguing about the status of our relationship to having loud and almost angry sex in his bed. This didn't mean Vic had won. If anything he proved his point even less. The words 'forget regret' rang in my ears from the moment he said them. Maybe I did change his mind. But, I sure as hell wasn't going to talk about it while he was laying naked next to me with no sheets on his bed. Vic started to kiss lightly along my shoulders and collarbones and I couldn't help but smile. He was a beautiful human and I was, hopefully, the only one he had his eye on.

A/N: Yes I know this chapter is shorter than all of the others and Im sorry about that but a lot happened in this chapter and I don't want to continue the story any more in this chapter because we just hit such a huge plot point in the story, but I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter and be warned that a lot more is going to happen in future chapters. JUST 5 CHAPTERS LEFT!!- Kalista ;)

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