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Wonderless: The Final Chapter

*2 weeks after the crash*

The stitches in my head dully ached. They curved up from the right side of my forehead and stopped about half way across the top of my skull. Vic was okay and got away with minimal damage, which I was thankful for. The police had questioned me a few days after I had woken up and as far as I knew, no one in the other car was hurt and I was the only person with severe injuries. Fun. Vic had to be held for a day after the accident so they could make sure that he didn't have any problems they couldn't detect with an MRI or and X-ray.

Mike and Tony came as soon as they could. Of course Vic was allowed visitors as soon as they were sure he was okay. Me however, I couldn't have visitors until a week had passed. My skull wasn't fractured, thank god, but there was a huge gash in my forehead and they were pretty sure I had a minor concussion.

Vic was in tears the first time they let him in. He stumbled into my room already crying. He had a small cut on his face that was scabbing over and his hair was a greasy mess, I was sure he hadn't showered the entire time. He collapsed onto me and even though the sudden pressure hurt, I pulled him up onto the bed with me and held him in my arms. I was so glad he was okay. If he would have died I don't know what I would have done. The doctors let him stay in bed with me until visiting hours were over. We didn't talk very much. He just played with my hair, held my hands and my arms, and cuddled me until they finally made him leave.

The next day he came back with Tony and Mike. Vic walked in first and gave me a small kiss. He pulled up one of the small chairs and set it beside my bed. "Come in guys." He said so Tony and Mike knew it was okay to come in. They were holding hands and both stood over me on the opposite side from where Vic was. "Hey Hime. How ya holding  up?" Mike asked solemnly. "Im okay. The doctors say I can go home next week so thats good. How have you guys been?" I ask, trying to cheer up the mood. I don't like how hospitals make people so sad and tense. "We're good. We're good..." Tony trailed off. "Guys its okay. Ill be home soon. Don't worry about me so much." I smile at them. They just nod. We talk for a few more hours and then they're on their way home.

Vic stays with me of course. "Has my mom called yet. I assume she knows by now." I sigh. "Yeah. She said she's covering the medical bills. But she won't come by. She doesn't want to see me with you." Vic sighs. "Its okay, I don't really care about seeing her always. Ill send her a card once I'm out saying thanks for the paying. She just really doesn't even seem like my mother anymore after all she's done to me." I say with a bitter tone. "Hey" Vic grabs my hand. "I understand, Jaime. I wouldn't want to talk to her either. But its okay now. You don't have to go back ever again if you don't want to. You're with me now alright." Vic looks into my eyes and every word pierces harder into my heart.

"I love you Vic." I blurt out. His eyes widen and start to form tears. "Jaime. Did you just?" He stutters. "I-im what?" I couldn't believe myself. Vic suddenly rolled onto the bed. With his legs on either side of mine he looks me dead in the eyes. I would by lying if I said I wasn't kinda intimidated. "I love you too Jaime." He whispers and leans down to kiss me.

Things started to get heated until I reminded Vic that we're in a hospital and that this bed is two sizes too small for that kind of activity. He laughed and nodded. "Worth a shot." He winked at me. "Dick." I hit his arm. "You wish." He winks again. "What does that even mean!" We joke around for a while until he has to leave again.

It had been a week since then and it was finally time for me to leave. Hopefully this time we'd actually make it to Vic's place. "Now be very careful. Make sure he takes his medication every day and never on an empty stomach. If he has not taken it by 1 p.m., he should not take it. If pain becomes extensive please contact us. He has a check up in 3 weeks to get the stitches out. So, we will see you then." The doctor gives Vic instructions. "Get well, Jaime." The doctor smiles at me. Me and Vic gather the stuff he'd brought me over the last few days and go out to the car. I sigh as I sit down in the leather seat. Vic had to get a rental car because the car was totally, well, totaled.

"You ready?" Vic says. He grabs my hand and looks at me. I just nod. He turns on the music before we even pull out of the parking garage, which I am very thankful for. It sounds familiar. Like I've heard the voice somewhere before. "Hey Vic?" I ask. "Yeah?" He says, his eyes still on the road. "Who is this by?" I ask. He smiles. "Oh its a demo me and Mike made. Me and him both want to start a band an we were messing around with some lyrics I wrote and recorded it. I just wanted to see how it sounded." He says. "Woah. Its awesome. Whats the song called?" Im amazed at how put together all of it is. Every instrument is there and Vic's voice fits very well with the style of the entire thing.

"Yeah Boy and Doll Face." Vic says. "Thats a sick name. I didn't know you wanted to start a band?" I make it a sort of question. I can play bass and guitar and I know how to produce. "Yeah its always been a dream of mine. Mike plays drums and I sing and play guitar." Vic shrugs. "Dude I play bass!" I get excited at the though of being in an actual band. Ive always had a love for music, its the only job I see myself actually loving in the future. "Shit you do!" Vic says getting excited too. "Could I maybe join you guys? Like I don't want to ruin your flow or any thing." I chill out a little bit. "No! Tony wants to join too because he plays guitar. With you we'd have a full band!" Vic looks to me with a smile for a second before pulling into the parking spaces at an apartment complex. "Well what are we called then Mr. Lead Singer?" I turn to him. He unbuckles and turns to me with a devilish grin.

"Pierce The Veil."

Well guys it has officially ended. I had so much fun writing this fic and the response has been amazing. Im kinda sad to see it end but I'm so happy with the way it did. Please comment on this story and tell me if the next book I write should be a continuation or a separate story. Its for sure going to be another fuencaido either way so just let me know what you guys want to read. Thank you for all of the support and positive feed back on this story. See you guys next time- Kalista :)

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