She Sings In The Morning

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She Sings In The Morning: Chapter 7-

Vic and I took a shower together when we woke up early the next morning. I was tired and sore but most of all, content. Of course I was. I mean, I did just sleep with my hot teacher. We didn't do anything in the shower but I was still mesmerized by the way the water rolled off his tan body. The best part was when we started washing. We ended up having a huge soap fight and by the end we were making out with bubbles all around us. It was pretty great. Vic sat on my bed as I dried off. What was there to hide after all? I got some clothes on and sat down next to him.

I didn't quite get why he was being so quiet. He wasn't a shy person and it was morning, his favorite time of day for some weird reason. "What's up Vic?" I asked. He jumped when I spoke and he gave me a scared look. "Nothing! God you scared me." He let out with a heavy breath. "Okay just wanted to know why you were so quiet." I put my hands up in a sign of defense. I had no idea why he was being like this. "Look I-" Vic tried to say but the door downstairs slammed open. "Jaime Preciado get down here now." My mother yelled for me. "We'll talk later, Vic." I said urgently. "Stay here. She won't like it if we come out of my room together." I hissed under my breath before I bolted out of my room and down the stairs.

"Yes mama?" I say as I come face to face with the woman who made me. "Where is Victor?" She glared at me. She wasn't happy and I was so scared that I possibly knew why. "U-up stairs. Uh washing his clothes I think." I said slowly. Lying to her has never been this hard. I just didn't want to get Vic fired. "Get him for me. Please." My mother said in a stern tone. I just nodded and quickly ran back up the stairs. Vic was still in the same place when I came into my room, he sat on the edge of my bed, ringing his hands in worry. "Vic. She wants you." I said. His eyes widened. "Me? Why me?" Vic said frantically. "As if i know." I threw my hands up in frustration. This day was not going so well anymore.

We both looked at each other for a moment then rushed back down the stairs again. We stood about 3 feet apart as if to prove to my mom that, no we were not in some sort of relationship and that we didn't associate with each other. "Hello Ms. Preciado." Vic said with no emotion whatsoever. "Hello Victor. I would like to discuss somethings with you and Jaime. Care to sit down?" My mother said. "That is fine, thank you." We all move to go sit at the table. I try to stay as quiet as I can in fear of messing anything up.

"Do you know what I am paying your for, Mr. Fuentes?" My mother asks briskly. "To teach your son, ma'am." Vic replies in the same manor. "Yes. Exactly." My mother says firmly. I have so many ideas on why she's talking to us. I hope my little escapades with Vic isn't one of the ideas that she's talking about. "I have every intention of doing so ma'am. In fact, Jaime has been coming along quite well in his studies." Sometimes I forget Vic is a college graduate with how much of a teenager he seems to be around me. Seeing him so suavely talk his way out of my mothers angry voice was intimidating to no end.

"Has he really?" My mother says will an element of surprise in her voice. Wow, thanks for the encouraging tone mother.  "Indeed. I could show you his work if you'd like." Vic stated with a small smile. I will give him that. I love getting taught by him, though I love making out even more. He makes learning so easy that I've gone up at least two letter grades since the time he got here. My mother would be proud under normal circumstances, I think.

"No it is quite alright Mr. Fuentes; however, I would like to talk to you about more pressing matters." Mother goes into her business mode and I'm just about ready to slink off to my room in fear. She only talks like this to the people she works with. She hates those people. I can't imagine her hating Vic.

I couldn't imagine anyone hating

"Work has been moving rather slow lately. As a result, less business equals less payment. People are getting cut at the office but I am fortunate enough that I am just in a high enough position to not be a person to go. Although I am secure in a job, I am not in finances. I'm afraid we cannot afford to have you working here Mr. Fuentes. Your work has been greatly appreciated." She says and every word grabs my heart and tears at it. We cannot afford to have you working here Mr. Fuentes. Surely her finding out about us would have been better than this. No. I can't think like that. Vic could have gone to jail.

Vic has no reaction to her words. I'm afraid that he really doesn't care at all. "I can work for free. It's really no trouble. I have an extra job awaiting my fulfillment." Vic says in an emotionless breath. My mother pauses. "I will not hesitate to state my self again, Victor.
Not only can we not afford for you to work here, but we simply cannot have the extra mouth to feed and bathe and shelter. I'm deeply sorry but the time is no longer right for you to be here." My mother says and begins to walk to the stairs.

I look at the side of Vic's face. I'm urging him telepathically to say something. The next words out of his mouth shouldn't hurt me as badly as they do.

Before my mother plants a tiny foot on the first carpeted step he speaks.

"When shall I leave."

OOOO I have returned. This is kinda short but eh. Looking forward to next time. Peace.- kalista :)

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