Diamonds and Why Men Buy Them

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Diamonds and Why Men Buy Them: Chapter 10-

Leaving your childhood is never easy. I spent my entire life in one place. It used to be my safe place. A place I thought I could never get hurt and after the day was done, somewhere I would always be loved. Funny how things change.

My moms face when I told her I was leaving was priceless in all honesty.

I'm 19 now. School is over and I barely graduated, but I did. I didn't want to fight with my mom over the note so I just started packing. Vic helped me of course. He told me I could move in with him and I, of course, accepted. My mother wasn't very happy of course. She was obviously not fond of Vic and apparently wasn't that fond of me anymore. We bickered the whole time I was packing my things about how it was "irresponsible to move in with my tutor who is 5 years older than me" and how I was "throwing my life away over some relationship". I felt it was way past the time that I get my own place and be away from my mother. Now it was just with another person. Who is really hot. And attracted to me.

Vic still couldn't believe that my mom had made the note. He didn't even know how she found out that we were even an "item". I thought it was pretty obvious after that night in the basement but apparently he thought he was good at hiding things. I was ready to be happy and finally move on from school and being treated like a child.

Of course I love my mother. I don't think anything could happen to make me not love her. I can hate her all I want to but she's still my mother, the one who raised me.

I can't tell if she did a good job or not.

I was standing in the middle of my room with the last cardboard box of stuff in my hands. I left the comforter and sheets on the bed like my mom asked but that was the only thing that made it look inhabitable. Without my stuff it in the room looked dead. All of my life I had seen the walls covered in pictures and posters. My dressers used to be lined up against the wall. The desk that I sat and wrote my songs at. I was gonna miss it. There was really only one other room in the entire house that I really was going to miss.

The basement.

It was cheesy of me to say that all of the memories down there were gonna make me miss it. Vic and I did a lot down there. I had to stifle a laugh at all of the things my mom didn't know had happened down there. It was still destroyed from the last time I went down there. I was fine with never going down there again. I didn't want to see it in its disastrous state. It was only a reminder that I had been lied to and played. I wanted it to stay as happy and as good as it was in my head.

Vic's car was in the drive way and he was putting a few boxes in the back of the car. I took a final breath and walked out of my room for, quite possibly, the last time for a long time. I don't want to say forever, that's too final. But for a while I won't be back here. I can't tell how I feel about it yet.

When I got downstairs my mom was waiting for me by the door. She didn't show the slightest bit of emotion as expected. "Jaime. I wish you well. Have a good time with your lover. Don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart." She says monotone. "It depends on if you're him this time." I snap. She looked surprised. I know the happiness that welled within me was wrong but I really can't help it. She deserved it. I walk out of the door and she didn't say another word. She's not one for I love you's but you would think when your son is leaving your house for the last time you'd be a little emotional. Not my mom.

Vic smiled at me as I walked around the car. I shoved the last box in next to the others and closed the trunk. "Are you ready?" He asks. I know he's talking about leaving. "As ready as I'll ever be" I reply. He gives me a sad smile. I give him a quick kiss and we get in the car. Pulling out of the drive way made me emotional. I bit back tears and as Vic turned on some light music I was okay.

As he leaned to turn the volume knob he didn't notice us coming onto an intersection leading out of the neighborhood. It was a main road, people flew down it all of the time. I let out a shrill scream as a black car came barreling towards us. "Fuck-" Vic slammed on breaks but it didn't help as we slid the rest of the way out and directly into the back seat of the other car.

I just hoped there were no people in the back seat. I thought as my head hit the dash and I passed out.

Whoops. Next chapter is the last, it's gonna be a long one. See you guys then- Kalista ;)

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