NO HOT TOPIC!!!!!!!!! WHY?!?!?!

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Hey guys it’s reading_greek. I just wanted to say thanks for reading my first story! I hope you guys like it!

Just a regular day. Shopping and lunch. Not much to ask for ,right? I would think so. But it all got a little confusing when we got to the mall to find all the store’s to be replaced by one store.

“FTW?” Molly said.

“Molly I think you mean WTF. Where did you get FTW?” said Maddie

“I remember it from hot topic. It was on one of those big rubber braclets that we all wanted.Remember? They had the exact same braclets in all of our favorite colors” The blank faces that I got after I said that would’ve shocked anybody.

“HOW COULD YOU REMEMBER THAT!? THAT WAS FROM , LIKE, TWO YEARS AGO!” God ,why did maddie have to be so loud?

I honestly didn’t know how I could have remembered that. I was basically known for forgetfulness.


Both me and maddie looked at each other and said to molly: “ MOLLY!!!”

Me trying to be the calm one, naturally, replied ”Okay. Molly and Maddie please stop yelling were getting strange looks. Second, Molly, it’s W. T. F. lets just check out the store and see what kind of merchandise they sell.”

As I started to walk off towards the store I heard maddie mumble ”why does she alyways have to take the adult road?”

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