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Time: Unknown      Author: Unknown        Origin: Unknown     First found: Old Country of Eather, 1099 A.A.D.
: A girl named Alice followed a talking rabbit down into a hole, leading to a different world called 'Wonderland' and fights off an evil Queen of Hearts. 

Translated from the Ancient words by: Professor Illiasse Jaint D. Margho   



That day, Mr Fingul Crooch opened his shop earlier that day and tried not to think of the horrible news about three hours past. He decided to proceed with business he's been doing for almost 40 years, even if that day, the whole City is in ruckus, and even if he don't expect any customer.

His shop, "Parts and All" has stood in Street No. 4 in the Business District of Eesborne for about three generations in their family. Founded by Archival Crooch in the year 4089, when the robot industry was a boost right after the Tech Incorporation won a case in having robots as public house holds, or something like that.

Those times for Parts and All were glorious and prosperous, when all the other shops on the side were dealing with food and vehicles parts. No one provided for robot devices that were proving useful for the City Inhibitor's daily life.

Around the second generation, that is Mr Crooch's father, Zenadaia Crooch that things started to decline for their business.

Not because robots were out of time, nor their shop's name is no longer known, but because time was changing it self. Zenadaia chose not to change inventory, when all the new designs for parts and devices for new models of robots came about. He believed that the new ones would wear off easily compared to what they were selling for years.

Fingul, when he was about the age of twelve, had the same spirit that Thrain has. A young, pure and forever-searching curiosity, only that he was more into about mechanics, electronics, and the way Gravity Corruption Technology works. He cared less for robots, which their family business calls for. He wanted to pursue to a degree in Mechanics and Quantum Electronics and work for the Energy district someday.

He was forever magnified by the natural occurrence of energy around him, and how they could be used in great measures. Zenadaia allowed him too, since he got Drilmour, Fingul's younger brother to take care of the family business. But he too, wanted to be a City guard, and died in a raid of illegal Eurochs.

Their family was in great despair, but the sickness of sadness hit Zenadaia the greatest. He was later deceased as well, from an incurable disease of the heart, known as the Grouper's Complex. It was when the heart no longer pumps blood in unknown reason.

Zenadaia's last will, was for their business to at least endure another generation, and the burden of that favour was passed on Fingul's shoulders. He quit his studying, and tried to self-study robotics.

That very event of his life somehow filled him with bitterness in life. He didn't get a wife, so there is no child. His brother died, and his mother too. There was no one to take the business when he is gone.

Time passed, and he is now 65 years old, and his business is old as well. Customers are rare; no one would buy vintage parts, when robots in the common time improved, and updated shops stood beside his own shops. All his shop has is nothing but history.

At least, Mr Crooch manages to survive from some money provided by their government, and fixing vehicles, gliders and blasters.

His shop's door opened and a tiny bell rang. A tall, slim man in blue, long coat entered his tiled shop. His brown hair fixed properly as he took his hat off. He walked on his black boots on the tiled floor and his light blue eyes gazed around the room.

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