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"The lights opened one by one on the Life Engine's vast room. The white floor reflected by the glow, and the Great Expansional Region seemed endless in the sight through the glass ceilings of Olympus's torch and height.

I looked around, and tried to remember why I was there. I thought we already made an escape. No one else was roaming around the room, and everything was quiet, as if the unbreakable silence would make me deaf.

The hole was no longer there too, and not Reagan was in sight. I looked up, and from the ceiling I saw pieces, and pieces of the world. It crashed, crumbled, destroyed. The moon was big, and it shone unlike any other. I thought that it was even brighter than the morning sun that her beams blot out the sparkling stars behind.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened it, there was nothing but blank, white space. I looked around, but the dark line that seemed to be the horizon was too far to reach.

Fear was the first I thought I fear. I ran, ran and ran as fast I could. I stopped, when I saw my mother on the other end. Her hair flowing, and her wings rested on her back, but she has not given me the faintest smile.

Again, I raced towards her. I reached my hand, so that she would reach mine. But the distance between us never cut short. I tried to call her name, but there was nothing coming out from my mouth. Tears flowed down my eyes while I aimlessly ran to her.

My tears turned to a flood, a great flood. When my eyes blinked, I was under the coldest water, dark, blue water. My head turned over all direction, but there was no escape. I held my neck; I could no longer breathe. Bubbles came out from my nose and mouth and when darkness engulfed...


Thrain took a deep gasp as he suddenly woke up. He held his breast and neck tight, as if he could not breathe and took all the air he could. As he breathed heavily, his sight was still dim, all in a blur, but he was sure he could see sunlight.

He closed his eyes again and wiped the water on his eyes. He could hear the sound of the grass, bowing in the wind, and the leaves on top of tress, swaying with breath of the skies and he felt under his hands, the cold soil and the wet dew of the grasses.

As he opened his eyes, his sight gained its sharpness after sleep. The first thing he saw was a great prairie of green land, and with several trees around, and he was under the shade of one. He looked around, and realized everything was dream. Another cold, splash of water washed him more awake this time.

"Awake now? You've been sleeping for hours now you know."

Thrain wiped his eyes, fluttered his wings around and looked up. He blinked his eyes several times, and he saw Niamph standing behind him, carrying a rusty bucket.

"I, I, I do not understand. Where are we? Where is Reagan, and where is my mother?"

Niamph took a sigh and rolled his eyes. He threw the bucket on the side and stood before Thrain. He rested his hands on his waist, raised his eyebrow and stared at Thrain with sharp eyes.

"You don't remember anything, do you?" his wings spread level on his shoulders. "We escaped out of Olympus."

Thrain gazed his disapproving eyes to Niamph. It took him a while, before he could remember, that they left without his mother, when Reagan would not allow saving her. Aside from that, he could not recall of anything else.

He clutched his hands on the soil and grass and bit his lips in anger. Tears started flowing out of his eyes, and turned his head away from Niamph, who flapped his wings down his back, when he saw Thrain's red face, trying to stop himself from crying.

The Country of Eesborne and the Adventures of ThrainWhere stories live. Discover now