I Once Loved

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There was someone,

someone who I loved,

someone who I cherished,

And still they stand at my side.

I tried so hard to fix everything,

to make the rooms clean,

to make the days bright,

but I think I messed up

somewhere along the way.

Maybe I didn't spend enough time with him

Maybe I forgot to make his closet neat

Maybe I hurt him

Maybe I forgot something

Maybe I looked at another for too long



So as I stand here,

with my arm clutched to my side, 

I feel the shattered bones

and I cry.

I know it was my fault.

I know I should have been better.

But for just a moment,

a single moment,

when I looked at him with his out-stretched hands,

I felt a wither of fear towards the one I loved

and I hated myself for it.

And now all I can do

is cry

and try to do better next time.

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