Chapter 8: Our little Secret

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Third Person

"I can't believe him!" cried Maria, angrily 'Telling me to move on from the past! I can do that at anytime I want, he doesn't have to tell me what to do! I always talk about Jose, well he always talks about tomatoes; tomato this, Tomato that!'

Maria groaned into the night sky, she kept walking along the road; the restaurant was now almost out of sight and the school seemed farther than closer. She cursed the school and its far distance from the town. 'I should've just taken the scooter and have him walk back,' she reasoned 'but I was in such a blind rage, I didn't know what I was doing.'

The cool wind brush up against her arms, the shivers down her spine caused her arms to wrap around her chest. 'I should've brought something warmer,' she sighed.. 'Then again, I didn't think Lovino and I would fight so soon'. She sighed and kept walking. Unaware of the electric moped that was approaching her. Maria watched the moped drive past her, only for it to stop about fifteen feet away from where she was standing. The driver hopped off the vehicle and walked towards her.

"Are you okay?" asked the driver.

Maria looked up at him and rubbed her arms. "....Yeah I guess, you're Ludwig right, the Senior who showed me to my first class?"

"Yes," he replied in his thick German accent "You are Maria, Lovino's girlfriend?" he asked, almost in a growl.

Maria nodded. "is that what people label me as, Lovino's girlfriend?" Ludwig looked panicked; he cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. Maria let herself smile for a quick second at his gesture "Well, Lovino is very tsundere, it was a pretty big shock to everyone that you two are dating."

She kept silent.

"Well, I mean-, that is, I-...Scheiße."

Maria giggled at his attempt to cheer her up, another cool breeze brushed up against her arms causing her to shiver "Mein Gott, Frau." he huffed taking off his blue blazer jacket and putting it around her shoulders. Maria looked up at him, pulling the jacket close, his cheeks turned red "y-you come from a warm country right?" he said, looking away "You should know better to dress up properly when you're not used to this weather."

"What about you?" Maria asked, about to take off the jacket to give it back to him, only to be stopped by Ludwig who answered "In Berlin, it's a lot cooler there because of hardly any coastlines or that much sun for that much matter so I'm used to it."

"Salamat." She whispered, Maria felt hot tears run down her face.

Ludwig noticed this and wiped them away with his thumb. "There, there." He mumbled "What happened?"

Maria didn't reply, instead she fell into his chest and began to sob. Ludwig tensed at the sudden move, then relax as he placed his arms around Maria in a comforting gesture "This is going to ruin my shirt." he mumbled. Maria let out a laugh as she sobbed. Ludwig pulled her away and looked at her straight in the eye. Maria couldn't help but admire how blue his eyes were. 'Like sapphires' she thought, looking away feeling her cheeks heat up some more.

"Why don't we go somewhere else?" he asked with a small smile. "I know someplace where I go whenever I am upset." Maria looked up at him, a glimmer of hope shown in her chest "It'll be our little secret, just between us."

Maria's inner soap-opera fan girl squealed at this. 'Who knew that a buff strict German would be a romanticist?' Maria nodded as he made a gesture to wrap her arm around his, like in one of those British movies when the Man is escorting the Woman somewhere. But never seen it from a German movie. He led her to his moped and helped her on first. 'Something Lovino never does,' Maria noted. She kept quiet as Ludwig then placed himself on the moped's seat and turned the motor on and began to turn around and drive the opposite direction from where he was coming. Maria's tear stained cheeks then dried from the oncoming air as Ludwig drove safely down the road.

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