Chapter 5: Clubs

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After School

"But Ma'am, I-..."

"No 'buts' Ms. Cruz" Mrs. Gonzalez waved at me "You must have to be in a club to graduate, I'm sorry but those are the rules"

I sighed in defeat "Which clubs are available?"

"There is a bulletin board just down that hallway, you may go look if you like"

I thanked the Mexican teacher and headed on out towards the bulletin board. It's been a week when everyone in the school found out about Lovino and me since news travels fast throughout this school since there are only about 600 students in the high school building. I smiled to myself, remembering all their reactions.


Week Before

"Maria-chan, you're dating Lovino?" asked Kiku

"Yes Kuya, I am" I looked at him feeling the warmth on my cheeks grow, and I thought I saw a slight blush on Kuya's face, but I just let it pass.

"For how long?" asked Lin-Yi.

Everyone that was gathered around the table leaned in, even Ludwig was interested in knowing about our relationship "Almost 3 and a half years" answered Lovino he was about to scowl but didn't. His grip on my waist tightened a little "Although, last time I saw il mio cuore, was when she didn't have these glasses covering her carino face" he reached to take my glasses off, but I stopped him from doing so.

"Lovino please!" I adjusted my glasses "I lost my contacts yesterday, before I left for the airport, but I made a phone call to my Tatay asking for another pair and he said I will get them by next week." Lovino started to grow a smirk on his face.

"It's okay Maria, you still look beautiful either way, Bella." I can feel my face becoming even more red and Lovino's grip tightened some more "You look like a tomato, il mio ragazza~!" there was some chuckles from that comment, but I just shrugged it off. I know how much Lovino loves his Tomatos.

"Wow Lovi, I never knew you had a girlfriend" said Alfred, I glared at him and he grimaced, I silently huffed.

Lovino's smirk just grew and grew, I rolled my eyes, then I felt another arm around me, I glanced to my right and saw Antonio smiling and cheery but quite angry for himself.

"Kuya, even after all this time you're still protective"

Antonio's cheeks became pink and he loosened his grip "Well, I just don't want my cute little Hermana to get harassed by my mates" he said with a massive smile on his face

I smiled at my Kuya "I'm fine Kuya Tony, I can take care of myself, you know~"

"Lovi, since you two have been dating for three years, how come you never told us about her?" smirked Francis. I blushed even more, I was about to answer but Lovino beat me too it.

"She's really shy, okay? " he pulled me closer to him "and I respect that of her. Got that bastard?" he said as he pinched my cheeks and I shoved his hand away and pouted at him.

He smiled at me and kissed my temple, the other arm on my waist harden, I glanced at Kuya Tony who just stared at the other guys at the table. I blushed even more.

Luckily, the bell rang and I had to get to study hall, and lucky for me, Lovino, Antonio and Shelly will be there too, we all got up and gathered our things and headed our separate ways.


Back to Present

I kept walking down that hallway; I could see the bulletin board just at the end. I don't want to join any activities; all this work is so hard. It's all university work for me. I mentally cursed the school for having such a high education system.

Gakuen Hetalia: Highschool LifeOf MariaWhere stories live. Discover now