Chapter 7: A romantic Date?

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Third Person

Maria and Shelly sat down in front of the white board; that was flipped to the other side so they don't have to erase their brainstorm of their magazine, Elizabeta and Emma stood up front with pictures of the most popular boys on campus taped and labeled with their name and status. Maria held her pen tightly sitting beside Lilly and Shelly, who just sat there paying attention, not sure if she should leave or not.

Lin stood, fiddling with her sleeves with a nervous look on her face and beside her were Sofia and Natalia who sat on the stool with Kim leaning on the counter of the small kitchen provided by her family. Matthew had already left to check up on Alfred back at their club room. Elizabeta extended her metal pointer and whacked Alfred's picture which was at the top.

Maria and Shelly flinched at the sudden impact and Elizabeta began the lesson "Alfred Fucking Jones," the girls snickered, except for Sofia who just smiled and Natalia who just glared "is one of the most popular guys in school and one of the most richest, and also one of the most hated. Which is very weird considering how well-known he is amongst the female population." Kim made a face and took a sip from the can of Sprite she had sitting on the counter.

Maria couldn't help noticing Kim's reaction to the mention of Alfred and his popularity with the girls and asked "Ate, what's your connection with Jones?"

"We used to go out," Kim sighed "but he was being somewhat of an ass and so I broke it off. But we're still friends." Kim gave Maria a small smile and Maria nodded, she felt her chest tighten a little after the mention of Kim dating Alfred. But she just shook it away and continued listening to Elizabeta.

"Yes, Kim was one of the unfortunate victims of Alfred, but Alfred is not the only one. Oh no, no!" she whacked Francis's picture harder than she did with Alfred's, causing her metal rod to bend "Francis Bonnefoy, has the title of the School's Rapist!"

Kim nodded again and Shelly saw this and cried out. "Francis raped you?!"

"N-not exactly" she replied with a blush "I got really drunk and we were dating at the time, and I woke up naked in his bed with him beside me, and I'll just leave it at that."

"Wow, ate, never thought you would date Francis."

"He seemed charming at first, but after that one night, he began to distant himself from me, then I found him making out with some girl around the corner, and I think you know the rest."

'Kim had a hard time when it came to these too,' Piri felt the corners of her mouth twitch 'on the bright side, she has Sunan, who seems like a wonderful guy. I wonder what Lovino is doing' Maria's thoughts were interrupted but Elizabeta's voice "Francis wasn't as much of rapist 3 years ago, I've been in the same class as him since the 3rd grade, sure he flirted a lot but the flirting was lighthearted. Kind of like Feliciano or Lovino's flirting. But suddenly he started to distant himself from some of his friends and began hanging out with Gilbert and Antonio more often."

Maria scribbled down the note about Francis's flirting and the formation of the Bad Touch Trio and decided she would investigate further on this subject. Elizabeta then pointed at Arthur's picture, "Arthur Kirkland, Alfred's Cousin on his Father's side, he is the school's student council president as Shelly may be extremely familiar with."-Shelly let out a loud groan-"Famous for his tsundere-ness and large eyebrows."

Emma snickered "he is that gentlemen type of guy, but if you knew him long enough you would know that he used to be a punk!"

"He used to be a punk?" Maria and Shelly asked simultaneously.

Emma nodded "a very rebellious punk at that too, and you should've seen his get up!"

"Come to think of it," pondered Shelly "He did have a lip and eyebrow piercing 5 years ago and use to wear eyeliner and his hair was always spike up, and whenever he had to leave my island he always wore black ripped jeans and lots of chains with a weird t-shirt."

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