Chapter 3: Late!!

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Late. Late. LATE!

Lin woke me up with a text message. But I texted her back asking why she didn't wake me up when she woke up. I'm still waiting for her excuse.

Skipping breakfast, I swung my messenger bag over my shoulder and dashed out the door and quickly; locking it. I was the only one running through the hallway. I was slightly embarrassed even though it is the first day.

I dashed down the stairs being careful not to trip on my heels. I cursed this schools dress code, although the plaid skirts are cute.

After last night and meeting the infamous Alfred F Jones. I still couldn't sleep till 3:30. Kim says he has some type of hero complex and likes to woe girls with them and said I should be careful.

Although I asked her how she knew him so well her answer was silence and two pink cheeks. I'm guessing that she likes him. If he's such a lady killer then I will keep my distance although I don't think-

The schools bell rang in my ears. Please let that be a warning bell. I still don't know where my first class is being held.

I kept running hoping to find anyone that can help me. Someone who is helpful. I heard some voices at the end of the medieval looking hallway. I smiled to myself; I slowed down at the corner almost crashing into someone big. Really big.

I looked up to find two blue piercing eyes staring back into my brown ones, I quickly tore my eyes away from him and just look at my hands. I noticed the boy's uniform he is wearing, he looks a little too old to be a high school student. I blame his height a serious features and large muscles. I took a step back and noticed his blonde hair that was gelled back. He had a scowl on his face, "you should be in class" he said in a thick accent. I couldn't make out what kind of accent but I straightened my stance. Although it's no use since he is more than a head taller than me.

"I am having trouble looking for my class, sir"

He rose an eyebrow at me "what class are you in?"

"Philosophy with Mrs. Karpusi, sir"

He furrier his eyebrows "and you were running in this direction?" he jerked his thumb back pointing to the direction i was running toward.

I nodded.

He sighed "new comers" I was slightly offended but I didn't say anything. "Philosophy is that way" he pointed forward. I turned my head and groaned "bwisit!" I was about to turn and run towards that direction but a strong hand stopped me. I looked at my shoulder then at the large man.

"You are not running. Running is prohibited in this school" he said sternly, I just nodded "lucky for you. I'm a prefect and I think Mrs. Karpusi will let you go if you showed up with me."

I nodded and gave him a small thank you smile but his expression is never changing. He pulled me towards the room with an arm over my shoulders. I glanced worriedly at the hand on my shoulder then snuck a peek at the large man. His cheeks were pink. So he's the awkward type. I looked ahead with a small smile on my face.

"What grade are you in?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Grade 11" he replied.

"Oh, you're really tall to be in grade 11, you know" I giggled.

The shade on his cheeks deepened. I glanced up at him and smiled. Then I gestured to his arm, hoping he'd get the picture and remove it from my shoulder.

His eyes widened and took his arm off my shoulder with an even deeper shade of red "that's the last time I'm ever going to listen to that pasta loving bastard" I heard him mumble.

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