Chapter 7

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Ok guys! We're back to Rocky's POV! For those of you who prefer Marcus', I promise there will be more of his later on in the story. Do not worry my lovelies!

So here's the next chapter you guys. It's not that long, but it continues from where the previous chapter left off. I hope you enjoy! ♥


I continued to chew on my veggie burger, making a disgusted face as I swallowed. I have tasted veggie burgers that were a thousand times better than this one. Oh well, I am in school after all; and there was no way in hell I was going to eat those nasty meatballs. How can people eat that stuff? You're eating a precious animal for crying out loud! How would you like it if animals started eating humans? Well, they do out in the wild if they feel intimidated. Never mind.

Having enough of the burger, I placed it aside and grabbed my Chemistry notebook. I was simply going to review today's lesson since there were things that I was still unclear about. I know, I'm such a nerd. Here I am, in the library, just got out of my AP Chemistry class, and I was already reviewing today's lesson. How nice.

As I continued to try and comprehend my rushed handwriting, I heard the front door of the library open. That's strange, nobody ever comes down here except me.

I placed the notebook down on my lap as I tilted my head upward, trying to listen to whomever it was that just entered. I was greeted with silence until I heard the librarian's fragile voice speak. Her voice was a bit muffled since there was such a large distance between us, so I couldn't exactly hear the name of the person she was greeting.

After a few moments of pointless eavesdropping, I gave up and went back to my notes. I pulled my knees towards my chest and balanced the notebook on top. As I began to relax my body and lean against the pale wall behind me, I heard the front door open and close again. Maybe the person had already left.

Without a second thought, I went back to my studying, only to be interrupted by heavy footsteps heading my way. I raised my eyebrow in question. Mrs. Montgomery is not that large to create such a sound. Someone else was in here with me.

My heart began to accelerate against my chest and my breath quickened in pace. Great, my new school is exactly where fate has decided for me to die. I hope the killer makes it quick, I don't want to feel any pain as I took in my last breath. I mean, come on, what would you prefer? A slow and painful death, or a quick and painless one? I go with the second.

I listened intently as the footsteps became louder. They were closer now and I would be seeing them in any second. But there was something pulling at the back of my mind; something that made me ask myself: why was the killer heading directly to me? Why wasn't he searching each and every aisle to see if someone else was in here other than me? Maybe it was that obvious that someone would be hiding at the end of the library. Nice going Rochelle.

I held my breath as the steps slowed down in pace. This seriously felt like a horror movie where the killer creeps around the corner slowly before killing his next victim.

The steps stopped, and I looked up to see dark eyes staring down at me. The second our eyes met, the butterflies in my stomach began to flutter uncontrollably and if I thought my heartbeat was fast before, it did not compare to how it was now.

I looked down at my notebook, gripping its edges with such force that my knuckles turned white. It bended awkwardly at the sides and I knew I had ruined it. Great, time to get a new one, all because of this handsome guy standing in front of me.

I could still feel his heavy gaze on me as I tried to occupy myself with something other than him. I even tried to focus on the little ants wandering about on the floor near the wall, and yet their dark shade of color only reminded me of his eyes. What a comparison, I know.

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