Chapter 19: Everyone Loves Miranda

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Daniel POV
I'm fed up with being just friends with Miranda. My feelings are way too strong for her. She just met this dude a couple months ago, but she knew me her whole life. I should be the one she gets all dressed up for, I should be the one that has her smiling all the time, it should be me dating her.

So today I'm gonna tell her at lunch. She promised to eat lunch with me so she has to come.

As I walked to her locker, I saw Quincy kissing on her neck. The sight is disgusting. She's laughing and playfully telling him to stop. Then she sees me and pushes him off. He glares at me and then leaves. He don't want this.

Me: "You ready?"

Miranda: "One second, Quincy wouldn't let me get my books out my locker."

Me: "Imma give you 30 seconds starting now."

Miranda: "You are so annoying."

Me: "25, 24."

Miranda: "I'm done. See."

Me: "Yea aight let go."

As we walk down the hallway I'm really tempted to hold her hand. We would look real cute together.

As I open the door, I get a peek of that ass! It's been getting real plump lately. (It felt so weird typing this. Lol)

Miranda: "Are you staring at my ass?"

Me: "Of course I am. You puttin' it out there so Inma look."

Miranda: "You are such a boy."

We sit down outside where its nice and quiet. She was eating a spring-roll that her grandmother probably cooked. I wasn't eating. I gave my little sister the last bit of food for lunch.

Miranda: "Here. I know you gave the last bit of food to your sister. You should have called us. Me and Mickey know the struggle."

She gave me one of her two spring-rolls. We always used to share food.

Me: "Yea, pride is bitch."

Miranda: "Exactly."

I wonder if she ever has moments like this with Quincy. It seems like she's always with his rich kid friends and they don't get time alone.

Me: "Okay so I have something to tell you."

Miranda: "Ahhh, so that's why I'm here. Okay."

Me: "Okay so I may or may not have feelings for you."

Her eyes got big. And she blushed.

Miranda: "Well, umm you see. I have a boyfriend."

Me: "He isn't right for you."

Miranda: "But I really like him."

Me: "But you two don't have chemisty like we do."

Miranda: "But I'm already with him."

Me: "I give no fucks."

The conversation wasn't loud. We didn't fly off the handle. It was like a normal conversation. That's one of the many reasons I liked Miranda. She kept everything low key.

Miranda: "Well I don't know what to say other than I really like my boyfriend."

Me: "You could tell me how you feel."

Miranda: "That puts me in a bad position because you are super sensitive and take everything to heart."

Me: "So you don't feel the same way? I get it."

Miranda: "Why didn't you tell me before I met Quincy. We could have worked out."

Me: "Because seeing you with him made me tired of seeing you with the wrong guy. And if we would have worked out two months ago, why can't we work out now?"

Miranda: "I have a faithful boyfriend that I just so happen to like a lot."

Me: "Okay I'm good. I just wanted to know where we stand."

Miranda: "See you take everything to heart. You shouldn't be upset about this. But tell you what. If Quincy and I don't work out then I could give us a chance."

Me: "Really?"

Miranda: "Yea."

Me: "Promise?"

Miranda: "Promise."

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