Chapter Eighteen

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"I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."

The Brighton Estate, London; March 9, 1914

"Is that the last of it?" Izabella looked to the stacks of crates that had been transported over the weeks since she had asked him to stay. His father was not per se happy with the decision as the two were unwed, not even engaged yet but he did not stop him on the premise that he would come as often as possible. The Captain thought the feeling to be surreal, he was soon going to be immersed in her world. The last of what he had chosen to bring to the Brighton Estate were packed on the back of the buggy pulled by Scatha and Glaurung.

"Yes, it is." They began unloading the cart, one crate and box at a time. She had reworked her own closet and wardrobe, moving and shifting what could be moved with risking tearing a seam or sleeve. This had of course occurred over the span of three weeks, but now it was truly final. James was going to stay with her. She picked up two crates and carried them up the stairs to begin sorting the clothing within into drawers and hanging suits and such.

She had also allowed him to set up another room as a reprieve, much the way Adam had his lab, an ornate desk sat in front of the wide window, the sketches from his walls had been taken down and placed inside a drawer until things settled more. He had only brought a handful of books, those that he said were his favorites. James placed the last large box on the settee at the foot of her bed.

For a moment they each stood still looking at one another until he looked down and drew out a burgundy housecoat patterned with brighter reds and blacks, the lapels and cuffs were velvet and Izabella nearly laughed at how strikingly similar it was to Adam's. James placed the garment on a hanger and then hung it beside Belle's dressing gown. The silence was interrupted when she jokingly pointed out that he had three ties that were the exact same, he claimed them to be gifts from his sisters when he had lost one. His fingers caught her chin, he tipped her head up and leaned down planting a lingering kiss upon her red lips.

The Captain held up his dress uniform, the very last thing to unpack. Belle wrapped her arms around his waist from behind as he hung the military issued set up, she could feel the mirthful sound beginning to grow in his chest and he turned, gently prying her arms away. She thought he was going to kiss her again but a coy smile formed on thin lips. "Have I ever told you how handsome you look in uniform?" Izabella pressed her hands against the rumpled collar of the white shirt he wore, the sleeves sloppily pushed up to his elbows.

"I believe you have. Now you just stroke my ego." His smile was crooked and jesting she lightly slapped his arm before turning to lie on the bed, it was a comfort to know that James would be staying with her. He sat on the edge of the bed, pulling his shoes off but Belle being herself did not wear any after returning. She sat up when the bed dipped with his weight and draped her arms over his shoulders, her breath tickled his neck and her lips were nothing but a feather against his jaw.

"It's time for tea." He pressed his hand over hers which laid over his heart, the rhythmic thump beneath her palm made the vampiress smile. James turned his head and their lips met is a short kiss before they stood and descended the stairs.

The table was laid out. Thin bread and butter, the crisp little cakes that had been baked in readiness that morning along with lemon scones all sat out on a platter, serving as a centerpiece as her flowers had not started to bloom yet. Tutti swiftly brought a kettle of tea upon seeing the two enter the tea room and in their cups she poured the steaming liquid and sat the small pitcher of milk and dish of sugar down. "Thank you, Tutti." Izabella placed a scone on a small plate and slid it across the table to James, who was preparing their tea. She smiled at the first sip as he remembered exactly how she liked it.

A Ripple In Time | Captain James NichollsWhere stories live. Discover now