Chapter Six

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The Brighton Estate, London; May 4, 1913.

"Clara Schumann is obviously superior to Schubert." Adam scoffed at the mentioned composers, both of which he had known personally, including Clara's husband, he had to agree with her, only for the pieces for piano though. The vampiric man flashed his fangs, but she rolled her eyes and laid down next to him. "When are you going to start composing again? You know I absolutely love your works." Lackadaisically he covered her face with his hand, rolling his eyes. She was almost tempted to lick his palm like a child but thought against it, instead she pushed it away and sat up, crossing her legs so that their knees touched.

"When the time is right. I can only imagine that becoming famous would be the absolute worst thing to happen." Izabella loved Adam to death, his infatuation with science and music, the way he criticized other cultures, and heaven forbid she ever hinted that he could become renowned. He claimed that's how it all started, the sickness, the pollution and contamination of their own damned blood.

"Worse than being confined to the night and drinking blood like some pesky little bat?" Adam and Izabella had been bickering nearly all day, about anything and everything, most was harmless of course and in good nature but as the sun set and the flasks of blood were emptied the brooding man laughed, remembering when the three of them had went over for the American Revolution and then the Civil War.

"American or British?" Belle raised her eyebrow and looked to her side, tapping her chin in contemplation about the ridiculous question.

"British." She pulled her lips into a grim smile, revealing her bloodstained teeth and tongue. "Though I must admit, I quite enjoyed the American's Civil War. Soldiers of the Union were delicious, more so than the Confederates, they left a bitter taste." The vampiress scrunched her nose at the memory. Wars were devastating, on many levels and she did hate that they occurred, or that in some cases were necessary as the leaders say, but wars became a smorgasbord. During the chaotic times she could drink freely and not worry about her oath with Lucifer as the men were already half dead, though after her deadly kiss they found peace much sooner. The thoughts almost sobered her from the euphoric high.

"I agree my dear Belle. The Americans are finding more and more ways to pollute their own blood, it's disgusting really. So many of them are self-obsessed with material items that will not last, filled with delusions of optimism. Sickening and barbaric." The vampire sighed and sat up, pinching his nose at the realization that as time passed finding pure blood would only become harder, they would be more likely to die of blood poisoning than a wooden stake to the chest. They had started with something pure, something that was exciting and exhilarating, but time was diminishing everything. The sand in the hourglass was nearly all at the bottom. "Eve is visiting soon." A wry smile tugged at the corner of his thin lips. Izabella laid her head on his back, her delicate fingers tracing his spine.

"Then we will have to celebrate. Dinner of course, I presume dear Evie is still on her meatless streak?" Izabella giggled drunkenly at the thought of not eating meat, they were vampires and yet the ancient being hated to feast upon an animal, it was almost ironic. "I'll invite James over as well." Adam huffed at the mention. Haphazardly she tipped the remaining contents of the outdated flask back into her mouth, collapsing back onto the bed, the boards creaking at the action.

"I suggest you rest dear one, your precious Captain will be here tomorrow." He leaned over, setting their small glasses and flask aside before kissing her cheek, already entering the realm unconsciousness but regardless she turned, finding his cool skin and twining her legs with his. It was true, on the morrow James would come, he had been away for a week's time with the Calvary, training new members and working diligently in hopes of a promotion. She could almost feel her forehead burning from where his lips had last touched her skin.

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