Chapter Thirteen

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"And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea -
What are all these kissings worth
If thou kiss not me?" -Percy Shelley

The Brighton Estate, London; September 5, 1913.

Izabella had confronted Adam and confessed her dream about the wayward vampire and her suspicions were proven correct when he had claimed to have a similar dream, nearly identical. When that fact was established she then knew that it was inevitable, soon Ava would arrive at her home, hungry and bothersome as Eve had shown no intention of leaving Tangier yet. Ava was the picturesque definition of carefree and reckless, she had yet to tame herself and indulged herself with the blood of anyone and everyone, not giving a second thought when she sank her teeth into a person's jugular.

Adam had always joked that it would be blood poisoning that killed the younger vampire and after seeing some of the people she feed from Izabella suspected that soon his theory of her demise would prove itself and become fact. Belle had never truly wished ill actions on a person but at the mention of Ava her blood boiled and the thoughts of driving a stake into her chest was entirely too enticing.

"What do we do when she gets here? Our supply is low, Adam. Her presences threatens our precarious presence in London." He frowned and laid back on the bed, she knew that he was bugged by the youngest vampire in their small group. The last time she had shown up to the Brighton Estate she did so with a bounty on her head and a pack of more lethal and primal vampires in pursuit of her. Izabella was foolish enough to allow her stay at Eve's persuasion and Adam had concocted all sorts of potions that would ward any others away. The tension constantly ran high and regardless of what the eldest thought Belle forced Ava from her house after killing one of her maids, unable to control herself and the killer thirst. He turned and look at her, his expression deadpan.

"We could kill her if you wanted, there is a brilliant spot at the creek we used to go to where the body could be disposed. It would look natural." She wanted proof that Adam was joking lest she agree to the plan but his voice was level, there was no sign of amusement or jest on his features. Eve would never forgive them for killing Ava, well perhaps it would take several centuries but she wanted no part in such a plot. Groaning she sat up and looked at the dusty drapes that hung in front of the windows. For safety purposes she had sent her entire work staff away for the week, a retreat of sorts, and after vaguely explaining to James who Ava was and her tendencies he had agreed to not call upon her at her own house, if she could, she would take leave and go to him.

A hand settled on her back, rubbing circles, calmly. Adam pulled her back as it was still light outside and unlike her, Ava was still nocturnal, she would need her rest and sanity to deal with the other vampiress without killing her. He was tracing script on her palm, up her forearm, trying to lull her to sleep. It did not work, and despite being tired Adam remained awake as well, gently stroking her hair and cheek, tracing over the curve of her lips. It took over an hour for Izabella to shut her eyes and as she had not moved and her breathing had changed Adam took that moment to find more blood. He could feel Ava's presence growing nearer.

It was the sound of her cast iron door knocker being slammed against the wooden door that caused her to wake. It was dark out, as it was already ten o'clock and to her dismay she woke alone. Adam was not with her, nor could she feel his presence in her home. Tying the worn floral printed dressing gown at her waist, she walked down the stairs leisurely, in no hurry to see who was on the other side of the door, because she already knew.

Izabella pulled the door open, the wind howled and rain was pouring, not even seeing the young vampire soaked and pale could elicit an ounce of compassion. She was quick when she yanked Ava into the house and even quicker when she slammed the door and seized the other vampiress by the neck, pushing her against the foyer wall, lifting her arm until her feet dangled. "What the ever-loving fuck are you doing at my house, Ava?" Izabella did not give her time to answer as her grip on the girls neck tightened. "I swear if you have come with people hunting you I'll do their job for them." When Ava had begun to struggle Belle released her, letting her slide to the floor grasping at her neck, erupting into a melodramatic fit of coughing and hoped that Eve would soon come.

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