Chapter One

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The Brighton Estate, London; April 12, 1913.

She had walked for nearly two centuries, watching attentively and waiting for the perfect victim to catch her eye. Perhaps her tastes were too refined and even though she resisted feeding from humans sometimes it was unavoidable the desire too strong to be overcome; but she was still young in a way. By some fanciful way she had dabbled in the darkest of magic available to her and through a deal with the devil himself she asked to be able to walk in the sun, and so such a request was granted that she kill, never turn her victims.

Now she stood in the stables, nurturing her horses. At the moment she was brushing the mane of one of the less mature ones, his coat was as black as night as was his mane, but already she could tell he would be a marvelous animal. His size already matched that of his mothers and there was surely another year of growth left for him. His name was rather untraditional in comparison to her previous horses, but for this beast, it was fitting. She called him Topthorn, but when she finished tending to the beasts she knew there was naught even but a few hours left before the first of the spring soirées would begin. The whole town would be buzzing because of her festivities.

The people that came to her lavish parties were never disappointed, but on occasion there would be one less person leaving than came. For tonight's she had received correspondence that a dear friend would be there and for that she was happy. The mirror Adam had enchanted nearly two centuries ago had not moved from its place, it still hung resiliently, but as she added a simple strand of pearls to her outfit of the evening the dark and brooding figure that sat in the shadows amongst the light of her room only made her laugh in excitement.

"Adam! Darling, it has been too long." She waved her hand and the curtains fell before the open windows, blocking the sunlight, he approached her, kissing her hand. "How is Eve?" He scoffed at the mention of his wife, she and Izabella had met twice before, each taking a keen liking to one another, and for that he wished to keep the two of them apart lest he be driven mad.

"She still thinks me to be perverse and childish, so for lack of better words, our marriage is on a hiatus of sorts." Izabella shook her head, her gloved hands resting on his shoulders, before she captured one of his hands within hers and pulled him over to her wardrobe, he stood closely behind her as she reached for the ornate box on top, together they walked to the bed where she sat down, pushing the box towards him.

"I know you love instruments dearly. I've had this for quite some time, last time you visited I forgot completely about it." A genuine smile actually threatened to form on his lips, carefully he leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips, a deep shade of rogue rushing to her cheeks. Within the box was a case, formed to fit a small string instrument, but it had no branding only a date engraved, she watched as he ran his finger across the lettering before finding the hinges and flipping the lid open. Izabella could easily tell that he was at a loss for words, but she urged him to take the violin in hand, he did so turning the cherry stained wood over in his hands.

"A Stradivarius," deftly he plucked one of the strings, sighing in contentment at the timbre and sound quality. "Belle, you shouldn't've." She only smiled, her scarlet hair an odd accompaniment to her golden eyes and sky blue gown but she looked stunning, a vision to behold. Adam fiddled with the pegs and then the fine tuner before lifting the bow from the case as well and playing a short number of scales.

"I was actually hoping you would play a piece tonight," he hummed, urging her to continue, "maybe Schumann, or Schubert, even Beethoven." Reverently he ghosted his fingers over the smooth wooden body of the instrument before placing it back within its case, standing from the bed. Izabella jumped when his arms wrapped around her waist, a soft kiss placed to her neck where two small scars remained from that night so many years ago.

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