Black Butler x neko reader part 9

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      I go into the closet where Alice was sleeping and shut the closet door behind me. Alice woke up from me closing the closet door. She rubs her eyes sleepily with her paws then looks at me. "So (y/n) what should we do?" She says(meow)." I don't know but you can't really talk much because they will suspect something and what if they don't like cats..."

       "Don't worry I will try my best to be quiet. Wake me up if there is something you want to talk about. For now good night." And with that Alice went back to sleep. I get up and got out of the closet closing the closet door behind me and now sitting on my bed and just in time too.

      Grell opens the door telling me that I have to go to the dinning room to have dinner with the others. I follow Grell to the dinning room and the others were there waiting for me to arrive. Grell pulls out a chair for me and I sat down. Grell then pushes me in. I saw roasted salmon with grilled shrimp and salad to go with the meal. I was quiet untill Ciel asked me a question "After dinner would you like to play a game with me?"

      "Okay but you will have to each me how to play." I said with a cheery smile.

A/N okay it is 9 something well I hope you guys are enjoying this sorry this is another short chapter. But will update either tonight if not then tomorrow well intill next time. Bye:)  

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