Black Butler x neko reader part 7

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            I felt something touching my face I open my eyes to see Alice with her paw in my face. "(y/n) I feel another presence its outside the mansion." I jumped up. Before I did anything I remember mother telling me someone will be arriving today. After remembering that I plopped down onto my bed and explaining to Alice what mother had said while she was asleep at that time. I went back into the sheets so did Alice and we went back to our little nap. A few minutes later We (Alice and I) heard a new voice two new voices to be exact they were both males thankfully Grell did my hair in a perfect bun and it is still nice and neat and not showing my feline ears so I have nothing to worry about, so I dosed off but not enough so I could hear voices.

          Mother was saying "my daughter was in there sleeping." So they don't accidently come into a female's room because it is impolite. So that made it where I could rest for a bit longer. Ten minutes later I sat up thinking of what they would do if they saw Alice. I grabbed a spare blanket and a few pillows. I opened up the closest and started making a bed for Alice but something was missing so I grabbed another spare blanket and prepared a cozy bed for her and it was just her size.

        "Alice" I whispered. She came to me with sleepy eyes I showed her the bed and I pointed at the door she understood of what I meant and she plopped down on the bed I made her and she went to sleep. I tucked her in so she won't get cold. As soon as I was done I closed the closet door and fixed up my bed. I went back into the closet and picked out a red long sleeve dress that had many red ribbons speaking of red ribbons Alice and eye are still wearing the ribbon that Grell had given us this will go well with the outfit I just picked out I put on the dress and I fold up the other one putting it neatly in a corner. "I guess I should meet the others now."

A/N  Hi guys once more I guess I am in the mood to type today I guess this is the day where my imagination is at its best. Sorry it is a little late at night if you are reading it at this time I will be back soon for more and I greatly thank you so much for reading this I really thankful you guys like it. I really like this little feline Alice just take a second and imagine how cute she is with her brown fur blue eyes and her black fur paws. Well thanks for reading this Bye:)  

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