Black Butler x neko reader part 5

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                      I stared out of the carriage window seeing beautiful trees and animals that sometimes popped out. Mother says they don't normally pop out like that and it is rare to see an animal in human territory. And it is more rare to see an animal appear more than once in a single ride. I for some reason think it is because of their kind loving souls is the reason they pop out. As I watched the 'trees move' as we went by them I noticed the scenary change instead of trees and animals there was buildings and people. The place looked it was most likely a small town and they had many people with many jobs and then I saw a stray cat hungry and alone the cat was calling for help and it looked like it could die any day now.

                   "Mother can you stop the carriage please. Mother did not know why but she told Grell to stop the carriage anyways as soon as he did I sprung out of the carriage and went to where the cat was crying. I went down on my knees and picked her up talking to her, calming her. Mother came up from behind me asking what was wrong. I faced to her direction and I asked "Can we keep her please." Mother stared into my eyes then at the cat then she said" okay because you and the little cat are so cute also you can have a little friend to play with." Grell's eyes started to sparkle and took two long red ribbons that sparkled and tied it around our necks in a bow it was nice and loose so we could breath.

                 I took her back in the carriage and we were back in the direction we were heading to. I started talking to her trying to figure out a cute name then I thought of Alice it sounded nice so I asked her if she liked the name and she had said "yes" I am the only one who can understand her and she is my new friend.

A/N I now this chapter is short also compared to how much I normally type but this chapter was for you to met your new feline friend Alice sorry if that is your name but that is the only name so far that sounds like an England name so okay :) I hope you had enjoyed this chapter but Alice has brown fur and blue eyes and her paws has black fur and that is what makes her different just like you because in this x reader you are a neko. Thanks for reading bye :)    

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