Chapter 10

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We walked into the hotel room, and I glanced around. I didn't see any board games.

"Under the bed," Harry said, seeming to read my mind. I knelt down on the floor and started pulling out a bunch of board games. They weren't kidding; they really could open a board game shop.

"Whoa!" I said, gazing around at all the games.

Louis grinned, shutting the door. "We've played all of them, so I insist that you pick one."

I looked at all the games. "I don't even know what half of these are!" I could recognize some of the games, but others, I had no clue. I looked around and saw the game ScotlandYard. "This one!" I cried, grabbing the game and holding it up.

Harry smiled. "That's a good game. Let's do it!"

We all sat in a circle and spread the game out in front of us. Louis held up the 'Mr. X' visor and grinned, wiggling it in the air. "Who gets to be Mr. X?" He asked. We all glanced around at each other, waiting for someone to speak up. "How about you, Riley? You suggested the game." Louis offered.

I shook my head, giggling slightly. "Thanks, but I don't think you want me to be Mr. X. Trust me, I'm horrible at it. You should have Harry be Mr. X."

Harry clapped his hands together in excitement, and put the visor over his eyes.  "Let's do this!"

Louis and I made eye contact and we shared a grin. "Oh, we are totally going to win!" Louis said, and he raised his hand, awaiting a high five. I gave him one and Louis yelled, "Okay, let's begin."

We all picked up a number card to see where we started. I got 24, and Louis had 112. We moved our pieces on the space and Harry picked a starting point. He studied it for a while, and then put it face down.

"Can I start?" He asked, picking up the Mr. X paper and a pen.

"Go!" Louis urged. Harry studied the game board for a little, clearly planning his route, and then he wrote a number down and covered it up with a bus token.

"Hmm," Louis wondered aloud. "So he took a bus."

"That means a; he started on a bus spot. That doesn't really narrow it down, but still..." I said, thinking aloud.

"And b; he was probably close to us that he needed to bus out of there." Louis finished for me.

"Correct." I stared at the are around me. There was only a few bus spots close to me, and two of them led really far away.

"It couldn't have been around me. The bus here only takes you like, three spaces away. Why would he do that?" Louis said.

"Unless..." My eyes widened as I thought more about this. "Harry used a bus to throw us off, as if he wanted us to think he was trying to get away from us, but really we're no where near him."

Louis' eyes widened as he thought about my option. "My goodness, you might be right!" Louis cried. He stared quizzically at the board again, studying it. I saw his eyes work around, trying to decipher where Harry went.

Harry started laughing under the visor. "You guys give me so much more credit than I actually deserve! I don't even think that I put this much thought into my turn." He chuckled.

"Shh, Haz. Stop trying to throw us off." Louis said, waving Harry off with his hand, even though Harry couldn't even see the gesture. Louis and I both bent over the board game, trying to figure out our options. Starting the game is so hard, because you have no clue where the other person is!

"Do you want to just make our way to the center of the board, because by the time we get there, Harry will have to reveal." I said and Louis nodded. His eyes darted to where Harry was, who was shifting nervously at my idea. Is Harry in the middle of the board?

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