Chapter 13 - Rebound

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Leah had managed to hide them both out in the in-between of the upper and lower city. It was a small place which was considered too low for those living upper, but too far away from any dealers to live for those in the lower city.

So it was left completely alone to waste away until somebody was able to live in it, with nothing but the bones to be sustained. She used it often as a nice little hiding place - nobody even thought about looking for her in there.

Leaving the place and upper city unseen, therefore, was easy, as was travelling from there into the deeper parts of the lower city. Ryan didn't hesitate for a second, looking forward into the depths of the city, trying to avoid the way that Leah would come.

Getting away from the general area of the shack and Heather and everything that had kept his attention the last few days. He glanced that way for a moment, wondering if she'd be back any time soon. Hoping that she wouldn't - so that she wouldn't be able to keep up even if she tried to.

Time went by pretty quickly. He was able to avoid the main lanes and streets, using only the alleyways as a way to get back to the wall. Getting there being the easy part. The way out into the city was still invisible when he noticed it.

But there were guards who were so close that only glancing in that direction for a second too long, they would be able to see it. 

The goons that stood with their guns were larger than Ryan anticipated; the weapons were old and rusted, but there wasn't a doubt in Ryan's mind that they worked and that their wielders wouldn't pause in cutting his head off. He noticed the belt that the three of them wore had a sheathe that held wicked blades that had decomposing edges thinner than a cloud's silver lining.

They weren't as bad as they looked. Just because they had a gun didn't mean they knew how to use it. Or, at least, that's what Ryan hoped.

He gave himself three seconds.


The men put down their guns, leaning them against the concrete wall; they started to relax themselves for a night ahead of boring watch duty. One started to make pointless small talk.


Ryan's hands were hovering close to his holster, with the rusted knife he still had waiting for him to grasp, eyeing the left one as he approached the middle one. Senses alight, on the balls of his feet, watching their movements, analysing their weaknesses.


He ran towards the first, smacking the middle guard with her elbow first hard in the neck, making him choke and grip his throat almost immediately. Using Leah's knife he cut his leg, making him fall down crying out loud, taking his gun with the other hand.

Behind him he heard movement of the others reacting, trying to reload and fire their guns but he was faster, turning and taking the shot at the thick chest to muffle the noise. Ryan then slit the last one's right arm before he could reach for his gun or his sword, making him cry out for a brief second before he kicked him hard in the stomach, making him incapable.

The final man hit the ground, seeing his comrades with him - one dead, the other thoroughly knocked out. His hand was shaking while he held tightly onto his abdomen, breathing a seemingly difficult challenge, face paling and already beginning to sweat.

Ryan bent down to his level, looking at the fear in his eyes, drinking the begging words he tried could barely speak:

"Wa-wait. Please. I-I ha-ave a family. Let me g-o, let me go. I ne-eed to-"

He was about to walk away, turning his back on the man. In that second he had mercy.

"I-I just need the g-girl. I ne-eed the bi-bitch to fe-eed them. To feed them. Gi-give me her and we can split the-e mone-money."

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