Chapter 6 - Yellow

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Ryan could tell that the city was changing around them; greys and browns being traded for cleaner, brighter colours, but he was disinterested. It was claustrophobic, all around him the buildings and sound seemed to smother him. He was used to the tight corners, but the noise was an annoyance, in the back of his mind like an inescapable itch.

A bustling city. He'd never been in one before.  

"Where're we going?"  

"There's a friend of mine who lives in the upper city," she told him. "He likes to collect little trinkets and if I find any... Let's just say he pays more than enough to keep everyone alive for days."  


"Yeah, I know it's weird. But he's a weird guy."  

"A weird guy?" He repeated.  

"Yeah." She answered. "Really weird... If you know what I mean."  

He didn't, but didn't really ask further. It felt like one of those 'wait and see' situations.  

As expected, all around them the buildings disappeared. The blackened path, muddied walls and grime transformed as gradually as the sun started to rise. Soon they saw buildings that were actually intact, with polished stone and wood and shining windows.

The upper city was a god's palace compared to the lower slums below, with people wearing clothes that seemed to be barely worn for a day. He hadn't seen so few holes in shirts and jeans in a very long time.  

Ryan felt exposed. Like he had a target painted brightly on his back and they were all digging their eyes into it. Leah seemed apparently unfazed. Almost comfortable in this place, but even he couldn't think that of her. She was just trying to put on a brave face. 

"Just try to act normal." She advised under her breath, avoiding all the wandering eyes of the rich kids around her.  

"That's easy for you to say..."  

"Please, for once, just try to relax."  

He did try. But it didn't work.

He apparently couldn't help but snarl and grimace at the people around him. Prejudice blinded him into seeing petty little things - caring only about silly things like fashion and money. Not food. Not water. Just how pretty a pair of jeans looked, the weather and how cold it was. As it always was.

Ryan saw a few shops that they passed that were in severe disrepair, with their bright neon signs falling apart. But they still were open with the obviously rich inside, furiously bartering goods as if everything was absolutely fine. It wasn't as if they needed the jewelery or strong soaps; it was just for... some sick enjoyment.

As if there wasn't another third world less a mile away from them, starving and stuck in a living hell. He felt numb by the hate he started to feel. The singe of jealousy that started to boil his blood in his veins. How could they live so freely when he had been fighting to live each day of his life? Of his brother's short life? How was that fair?!  

"Ryan..." Leah was ahead, warning him with her stare.  

He stormed beyond her. Catching himself watching them like they were aliens in his house. And noticing them watching him. His arm started to feel weird again... But he ignored it. Like he always would.  

"Will you wait up!" She called to him. He didn't answer or slow down. "Hey..!"  

He was annoyed. Green because of those rich, ungrateful little shits.

"Oi!" She was shouting, but then he heard her footsteps run toward and then in front of him. She was standing exactly in his way. Staring at him angrily. "What the hell, I thought we were walking together?"  

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