Chapter 8

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Sakimo's POV

I felt so much more relaxed now that I'd taken a run. The woods had calmed me and my wolf from our conflicting thoughts earlier. I hated the thought of him being anywhere near Lizseth. He had no type of respect for women and a quick temper. His attitude got in the way of things, and I didn't want Lizseth nor Brylane anywhere near him. I could understand that Onyx is Brylane's father, but I didn't want to accept it. I fell in love with Lizseth as soon as I met her and for me to love her that meant I had to love Brylane, and I do with all my heart. All these years, I had thought of Brylane as my son and only my son, but now that Onyx was here I had to accept that Brylane's real father was here. I never expected Onyx to show up, so I never thought about what it would be like if Brylane called someone else dad everyday other than me. I loved the fact that he called me dad even though Lizseth always told him that I wasn't his real dad. I could remember the first time he called me dad like it was just yesterday.


I watched Lizseth as she played with Brylane. He was only five months old. Lizseth kept ticking him, and he was laughing so hard tears ran from his eyes and down his face. My mom and dad were sitting next to each other on the couch as they watched, and I stood at the door doing the same. Brylane had two pegs growing in at the bottom, and when he laughed, they were visible. I smiled as I watched him. He had already said his first word which was mama, and we couldn't be happier.

"Mama," he laughed. "Mama mama." He repeated pushing her hands away. His face had a light blush as he continued to laugh. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Dada."

I froze along with everyone else in the room. I didn't know how to react. There was no way Brylane had just called me "Dada." I was shocked, but my heart swelled with pride that he'd called me that. I'd never felt so happy in my life, and I just wanted to hear him say it again. I slowly walked toward them and sat down.

"Oh My Gosh." Lizseth exclaimed wide-eyed. "I am so sorry. I didn't teach him that, I swear. I'll make him stop, I promise-"

"Lizseth," I said touching her arm. She was so cute when she was like this. Her breathing had quickened a little, and she bit her lip. I was so tempted to kiss her, but I knew she wasn't ready yet. She wasn't over her mate, and her main concern right now should be Brylane not a relationship. I think deep down she knew I was her second chance mate, but she wasn't ready to accept it yet, and we'd never talked about it. I pulled my hand away. "It's fine. He can call me whatever he wants. I don't mind, and you don't ever have to be sorry about something like this. I love Brylane very much, okay?"

She sighed and nodded. "Okay."

"Mama, Dada." We all looked back to Brylane. He was grinning up at us as he held up his arms. I smiled and reached for him, slowly picking him up. He laughed and grabbed my face as I held him up to me. "Dada."

"Hey, buddy." I smiled sitting him on my lap. He laughed and laid his head on my chest. I couldn't help but to feel like this was how it was meant to be. With me holding my son in my arms and him falling fast asleep.


I walked in the house and to the kitchen where I could hear kids talking. Both my parents were sitting at the table with the kids while they ate their afternoon snacks. I walked over to my mother and kissed her head. "Hey ma, dad."

"I haven't seen you all day. Where have you been?" My mom asked frowning.

"Kateri, leave the boy alone. He's a grown man, and he can do what he pleases." My dad said grinning at me. I laughed.

"Oh, hush up you. I was talking to Sakimo not you, Adahy." My mom argued. I shook my head.

"I went out for a run, mom. I had a lot on my mind, and I needed to clear my head." I grabbed a glass and got some water. I looked around the room and noticed that Brylane and Kaisigni weren't in here with the other kids. "Where are Brylane and Kaisigni?"

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